Recommend Good Flute Instruction Book...

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings, Using Metronomes, Scales, Tone, Studies, etc.

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Post by flutepicc06 »

Fluteworld actuallty has very good prices as a general rule. Unless you are buying wholesale or something, fluteworld is about as cheap as it gets with decent service and knowledge.

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Post by Fluteorama »

Oh ok, thanks :D.

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Post by flutepicc06 »

No problem.

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Post by Italia »

The suzuki books are amazing....

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Post by flutepicc06 »

Just for those that don't know what Suzuki books are:

"Suzuki is a violin/string technique primarily. It can be applied to flute playing, but is best done so young. Most teachers do not teach using the Suzuki method (nor do I think most violin teachers). The premise behind it involves learning to play things by ear without actually reading music, and then being introduced to reading after a certain amount of proficiency is attained, which can develop the ears, but also puts the pupil behind in sightreading situations."

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Re: Recommend Good Flute Instruction Book...

Post by rthompson_london »

Stacie wrote:Lu, I just started last April.
My teacher uses the Trevor Wye book Beginner's Book for the flute Part One from
Novello publishing. I just discovered they have an accompanying CD, which I'd
recommend if you are starting on your own. I sent to the UK for the cd and some
additional books in the series, from I might have
found them locally and saved the $40 shipping, but I was just too enthusiastic
to wait. Some of the more advanced books in the series pack lots of information
in very few words. Looks like a good place to start. Good luck. I'm enjoying
it. Stacie
I'm from the UK, I can't believe it cost you that much to ship it! You enthusiastic little beaver you!

I have the trevor wye omnibus. I can play pretty well anyways, but i have a lot of practicing to get to the level I once was at, but I always lacked technique, so I'm working on that.

The one thing I am having the most trouble with is mapping out a way of structured self-practice

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Post by woof »

Jennifer Cluff has a great web site with lots of information on it including videos discussing practice books etc.-- a great source of information:

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