Weak embouchure

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Weak embouchure

Post by nialmac »

Please help, I've been playing flute for half an hour every day for a year. I can go from low C to the G in the third octave with a decent sound. The reason I don't play longer or even a couple of half hours a day is because my lips get tired to the point where I can hardly get any sound and the tone goes all to hell. I seem to need a full 24 hours to recover. I've tried long tones, octave jumps, pushing my lips forward away from my teeth but nothing seems to help. It's like learning French, gives one a pain in the face. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

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Re: Weak embouchure

Post by jseligmann »

Take your time and rest when you get tired.
It's OK to push yourself, but not to the point of sustained pain.
And it sounds to me like you may be working woking too hard.
Try to let the airstream work with you.
Let the air help form your embouchure, or at least try to go in that direction.
Relax... a year is not a long time.

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Re: Weak embouchure

Post by Zevang »

Do you have flute classes or a flute teacher next to you?

The problem in developing tension while practicing is that you may be using your muscles wrongly or using the wrong muscles to form your embouchure. It's difficult to pay attention to everything when you are alone and with no orientation from a teacher (don't know if it's your case though).

Generally speaking you may have to use relaxing exercises so you bring your embouchure to an ideal conformation before you try to get over the whole extention of the flute. The key word here is flexibility. You must have it so your embouchure can work all the way through the octaves with a perfect and steady tone.

But note that without the observation of a flute teacher it will be far harder for you to accomplish that.

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