Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by fluteluversmom »

>>I was wondering more about trying
to stay interested in band when asked to work on easy music everyday while those
around you struggle<< My daughter works on her scales from memory when the
director is working with other players. This has enabled her to get them all up
to top speed. She would set goals for herself in regards to speed and this has
kept her interested in improving her skills. When she shouldn't be playing she
justs fingers them to herself :)
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Penny »

Your daughter is extremely
disciplined. She will be very sucessful in life.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by fluteluversmom »

>>Your daughter is extremely
disciplined. She will be very sucessful in life.<< LOL well she has her moments.
Just about a week ago she heard me complaing out loud that the exercises in the
book that I am playing out of are too easy..but she stopped me midstream and
told me that there were things I was learning in the lesson even though I
didn't realize it LOL. As far as being in a band when things are easy for them.
I think they are learning to work in a group setting similar to ones that will
be working later in life. Kim
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by krzymunkey »

the first chair flute is very nice
and is very helpful.. she takes charge of the money and all the organization.
she helps all the people nicely, and she does not complain, and doesn't talk
too much she's a nice person.. [:bigsmile:]
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Emma »

Hi I don't know if this'll helkp
your original question Penny, but in my orchestra-band-type-thing (no brass or
percussion...!) we had several first flutes and several second flutes. Of the
three firsts I was the worst, so if the seconds were struggling, or only one had
turned up, I'd play with them instead. I thought this was much better than
being first-only because my parts varied. You really have to think when you've
been playing the same part for a while (and I only got to take the first part
home) and the second part is very similar, but changes suddenly, or is a third
away, or the other part of the weird timing... or if I could sight-read it
anyway, work on tone or something as has been suggested. Sometimes I could see
the clarinet part and have fun trying to transpose that on sight. [;)]

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by caida722 »

I mostly just get frustated with
the way our band directors seem to seat us. I don't mean to brag, but I've
always been very nearly the best player in the band (or at least the most
dedicated), also including one of my best friends...but our directors never
liked us (we talk a lot...and can be pretty smart-mouthed at times), so he'd
seat us low despite our skill. But now that I'm in highschool, (concert band,
our seating test is tomorrow, actually), maybe that'll change. But I usually
don't consider our music boring...generally it's actually a challege. The way
the band directors I've had see it....if you can't play, learn it or get out.
(The two band directors I've had are generally the best in the area....we
always get first at competitions, and they KNOW they're good, so they don't
have time for weak players)

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

Hey, good luck on your seating
test! I'm sure you'll do fine! As for placing you in the lower chairs due to
talking... that's not completely fair, but you have to admit, from my
experience the thing that band directors hate the most is people who talk during
practice. =) I should know... talking to the clarinet player next to me is

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Amber »

In my band ( we have 2, wind
ensemble and concert band) we have some amazing musicians. I practice all of the
time and the only thing I get is how amazed people are by it and they respect
that. Same thing with our principle clarinetist. He is awesome and everyone is
just like wow. People always feel comfortable coming to me to ask for help with
their music. It is really nice to have the respect of people in your band
because they know how hard we work! Our music is totally easy though, we go A
class for wind ensemble. It is frustrating at times for me personally. Orchestra
is a nice outlet for that though since it is very hard to get into and we play
things like A Night On Bald Mountain ( full thing, original ) Barber of Seville
and Procession of the Nobles, all of which were more challenging. Music is fun
no matter what though!
Forever! <3 Amber

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by evil_fluteplayer »

Ugg... I've been playing for
(counts on fingers) four years now. I always feel that my band class is so
boring... which is why I always work ahead in class. My music is so easy... [:(]
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by FluterJenn »

During middle school I often had
challenging music, but now... its really easy. i want to get in the top band,
because the easy concert band music is holding me back. plus, I can not stand
the sound of undedicated people talking about dumb things during a rehearsal,
and the top band does not have that problem.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by lhampton »

Yes! I can't stand it. Half of the
band are good, all-county players, however, the other half are people who don't
want to work. It's so frustrating. Then, you can't do anything about it. I
think the best way to not get to upset is to find other things to do outside of
a band. Orchestra with strings, for instance, is wonderful. Also, various
ensembles are very helpful. And most of all, Take private lessons. I think they
are the best investment in your musical experience. Keep fluting Leanne

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by powayflute01 »

I used to be extremely bored with
all of our band music...I am fortunate enough to live in an area with an
excellent middle school band program and a pretty decent high school program as
well. I am in my second year in the top band level at our school (the "wind
symphony"),and we play reasonably challenging music (some of our repertoire
includes modern songs like "Incantation and Dance" and "Tocata La Tumba de
Alejandro Garcia Catulra" (try saying that five times fast![:p]), but we play
stuff like "Night on Bald Mountain" with the orch too). I am also a second year
flute section leader in the marching band. Section leaders at my school are
selected by musical talent (you're required to be a member of the wind symphony
to be a section leader) but also by experience, dedication, and intelligence
(there are essay questions we have to answer.) I am the first chair in my band,
although the girl that sits second to me REFUSES to believe that she could
possibly be worse than me because she held the first chair for 2 years before I
took her out this year. She constantly asks me/pressures me to sit first at
concerts and during class and it really bothers me.[:(] She isn't a bad player,
but if I clearly beat her in more than one round of testing...then doesn't it
show that I'm the better player? *I didn't mean for any of that to sound
snobby, so I apologize if it did.* [;)]Happy Holidays Everyone![8)]
Haha, this one is my favorite: :shock:
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Penny »

So her basis of being ahead of you
is that her opinion is better than that of your band director? Or does she have
any substantial argument? She was first chair for 2 years? Were there no good
junior or senior players those years? Your band allows first year students in
the top band? Do you have chair challenges? If so tell her until she beats you
in a challenge she should just go by the band directors decision. Good to hear
your band is playing music that satisfies you. How much time do you have for
music? To play with Wind ansemble, orchestra and reg band? or marching band? I
never understood serious musicians marching and keeping their play up to the
quality it should be. Bless you if you can do it. If you have the time to do it
and still keep your academics up. Or maybe you just dont sleep?[:devil:] Good
luck with your second chair, try not to let her get you down. Maybe you can ask
her to study a duet with her and become freinds and more comfortable with your

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