Down about all-county

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Down about all-county

Post by lhampton »

I went to all-county yesterday and I''m really
bummed about the way I did. I made third chair but I had my heart set on first.
I thought I was going to get it because last year I made second chair and got
into the youth symphony. Everything went great. Then yesterday, the tears came.
Being in the top band is not easy and then getting third chair is awesome but my
friend Julie, who has been playing only two years, got first chair. I''ve only
been playin three but I thought I had her beat. Then another girl beat me and it
all came to me as a shock. I couldn''t stop crying. I was so disappointed and
I felt terrible. I think I didn''t do so well this year was because so many
people were telling me how good I was. I think I thought to much of myself. This
was a reality slap to me and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on
how to get my throne back. Next year I''ll be in high school and I want to be
able to tryout for all-state, even make it hopefully. Really what I need help on
is sight-reading and tounging. So any helpful information on those subjects
would be great. Thank you all soo much keep fluting Leanne

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Down about all-county

Post by Penny »

Congrats on making all county Keep working and I
am sure you will get that throne eventually. You might try and contact the judge
and ask for a recommendation on what you need to work on. But it sounds like you
know where you fell short. You say next year is you move up to HS? That will
mean competing against older kids with more experience and winnning all county
and all state will be even more difficult. What is your schedule for your all
county band? How many practices, performances? WHat state are you in? Always
interesting how its done in different areas

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Down about all-county

Post by AG950Flute »

i know it's difficult not getting what you think
you deserve. when i auditioned for county honor band when i was in high school i
didn't even get in. i was shocked! especially when i saw the list of people
that DID get in. however, in time i've come to realize that doesn't
necessarily mean i wasn't qualified. sometimes the judges can be a little
whacky or they know some of the players. or they may have heard you being a good
player and wanted you in the middle of the section to support and help those
around you. it's definately ok to cry and be disappointed about losing
something that is very important to you. but like you are doing use it as a tool
and learn from it. try not to dwell upon it too long. set your goals high like
you have done and go after your dreams. but try not to have a bad attitude about
it either (which at times can be very difficult), sometimes a person's humble
attitude and positive personality leaves a much longer lasting impression with
others than a person's playing ability. have fun in county honor band and
remember the good things and keep those in your memory :)

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Down about all-county

Post by FluterJenn »

you should be happy! 3rd is not bad at all! i
know that when I try-out the judges arent very fair. Often times they don't
even have flute players trying you out so they dont really know how to judge an
instrument they dont play (at least thats just what im thinking). Also, next
year when you try-out use this year as a helpful tool to you. When you are
practicing, practice even harder than you would and always keep in mind wanting
to get 1st chair. For me, when I dont achieve what I wanted, I just work twice
as hard and it gets me where I want to be and even further sometimes. Enjoy
honor band, and keep fluting! Jenn

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Down about all-county

Post by lhampton »

Ok, I'll try to keep a positive attitude, it's
just, I 've come so far and then lost. I admitt that I didn't practice this
year as hard as I did last year. Even though I got a higher score, I got a lower
chair. I'm from Arkansas, most of the bands here aren't very good, but certain
sections are awesome, flutes and saxophones for example. Last year, it was a
breeze to make second chair. I was practicing more and enjoyed it. This year I
broke my arm and couldn't play for 4 weeks and I lost interest. But I'm never
going to let this happen again. It only takes one time to make a mistake and
correct it. Well, maybe I can take third chair, once. But next year I'm
shooting for first chair and I'm going to practice like crazy. I've got
another tryout coming up and I was wondering if any of you were familiar with
Faure's Fantasie from Op.79? I was wondering if there were any tips out there
to make this solo seem simpler. Thank you, I feel so much better after telling
people who understand. Leanne

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Down about all-county

Post by AG950Flute »

i just recorded the faure for a school audition,
so here are some pointers. the slow part can be played freely, it's a fantasie
just remember that. the 32nd note passage about 2/3rds of the way down the page,
start them a little slower, speed it up in the middle, and then take the last
grouping a little slower before the high E trill. you can also take some time on
the run coming down (think slow fast slow again). in the fast section, there's
not as much room for rhythmic freedom as the first part. make sure all the runs
are really clean and crisp. exaggerate the dynamics. and on the bottom of the
3rd page up to the first 2 line of the 4th page make sure you don't rush the
groupings of sixteenth notes. most of all, as always, have fun and enjoy the
piece! good luck

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Down about all-county

Post by embum79 »

Try not to think of it as a throne. Not only does
that seem arrogant to other players, but it's also too much stress on yourself.
Everyone progresses at different levels, and unfortunately, auditions only see a
fraction of what you can do. Just know that if you keep practicing, you will see
results. Accomplishing your own personal goals can be a lot more satisfying than
"winning" a first chair.

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Down about all-county

Post by Penny »

I don't know I kind of like the Throne concept,
cute. lol The flute Princess Sitting on her throne Instead of going to recess
she worries about a Galway clone So I'm not a poet. Actually I wish my first
chair flute princess did worry about another player. At least she is nice to the
other players, so her overconfidence has not gone to arrogance. Too shy to be
mean to anyone.

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Down about all-county

Post by lhampton »

AG950flute, Gosh, Your advice is great. It's
exactly how you told me, It fits in perfectly. Thank you sooo much. Yeah, I
think I am a bit too over-confident and arrogant. I'll try to work on that bit.
Thank yoou Musically Leanne

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Down about all-county

Post by notootsieno »

Oh my gosh, somebody mentioned all-county! Haha,
I thought I was the only one on here who'd even heard of it. Well, first of
all, don't get your hopes up. I have all-district this Saturday and although I
think it would be totally awesome to make 1st chair (I made 1st chair
all-county), I'm trying very hard not to let myself get carried away. It's
nice to set high goals, though. Just don't get your hopes up. And you made
third chair. That's really good!! Don't think of it as a downfall or anything.
Making all-county and all-district will look good on your high school record.
Well anyway, that probably didn't help at all, so I'm out! lol.

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Down about all-county

Post by FluteDiddy »

What is all district? DO a group of counties in
your area get together to form a district band from the all county players? we
no gots, just all county and all state
F-Diddy the Man with the Purple flute

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Down about all-county

Post by Bubbleminty »

It's alright to feel dissapointed. I tryed out
for all-county band hoping for first chair flute. I got second. The judges
can't really tell everything about how you auditioned! The person who got first
chair was the adjudacators student and she was a complete kiss up. I was really
mad but I got over it. You might be better than the two flutes who scored higher
because maybe you just goofed up. Auditions are hard and next time you audition
try to set a goal again and practice hard, but don't get your hopes up to high
and be arrogant. Well hope that helped. [;)]

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