solo and ensemble festival

For Anything and Everything to do with Flute Playing and Music

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solo and ensemble festival

Post by Bubbleminty »

i got a 2 at the festival recently. its soo
crazy how u can have a really good judge and a really bad judge. i got stuck
with a really bad one. have any of you had like a judge that was sooo nitpicky
that they docked u off 4 tappin ur toes? yea well i did! my adjudicator
didn''t give me any comments just handed me my sheet and forgot to ask me my
chromatic! she gave me like all C''s a a B or 2 and an a. like under the
intonation category she wrote good. and gave me a b / 2. i was like uh... okay
wut did i do wrong!??? have any of you guys ever been stuck with judges like
this? [8)]

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solo and ensemble festival

Post by Ereshkigal »

I really haven't had the experience to be
in front of a judge but for some reason some teachers and other music
professionals hate the tapping. When I started out and did it the first time my
teacher told me not to do it. She says time should be inside my mind and not in
my foot. I felt I was just feeling the rythm. Anyways good luck next

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solo and ensemble festival

Post by Kendall »

When I was in my first years of flute
playing we were suppossed to tap our foot. But now it is definetly seen as
unproffessional so I can see where your judge was coming from I tap inside my
shoe with my toes

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solo and ensemble festival

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

Yeah, I tap with my toes inside my shoe,
too. This way, you can get away with the tapping and no one knows you're doing
it! [;)] It's easier for me to tap to keep the beat, otherwise I have the
tendency to speed up or slow down. Depends on how good your sense of beat/rhythm
is, I suppose.

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