Tight joints

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Tight joints

Post by Jocelyn »

My head joint and body joint is extremely tight. I almost
have to rock it to get it to advance. I know I don''t want to do this, because
it could flatten. The music store recommended cork grease. Is this what I should
use or is there another secret to an easier assembly?

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Tight joints

Post by fluteluversmom »

Is this a new flute? I know that when my daughter got her
first flute she had a real hard time with the connection between the body and
foot joint being real tight. It got looser with time. The only other thought
that I would have would be to take it to a repair shop and see if they could
make the adjustments to make them fit better. Or if this is a new instrument it
should be under a warranty and they should have to correct that. Way back many
moons ago when I was in Jr High and played the flute we all used grease or
vaseline but now they say that is a bad idea. Good Luck, Kim
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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Tight joints

Post by tarzaflute »

hi, dont put cork grease anywhere near your flute. its
really bad. i did it to my old flute once and i regret is so much. it went black
on mine, also making that part of my case black, and if i put a different
headjoint in it the headjoint part goes black. simply just thoroughly clean it
with your normal cleaning cloth.

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Tight joints

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

you can color the pieces at the end of the headjoint and
body with a pencil the graphite makes it smoother in time it will wear off, plus
thats why they make erasers!!!!
"Q: How many classical flutists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only
one, but she'll pay $5,000 for a gold-plated ladder." --Kathy Russell

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