Alternate Fingerings, Scales, Tone, Studies, etc.

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Uematsu Jr.
Posts: 4
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Post by Uematsu Jr. »

Hi, I''m new here, and I need some serious tone
tips. How in the world do I get rid of that airyness??? It''s starting to bug

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Post by Penny »

Is it a thin sounding airiness or a hollow
sounding airiness? If it is thin there is not enough air going in the hole
either bad angle or not blowing enough air. If it is hollow sound it probably
too much air in the hole. At least that is how I understand it. There are people
with far more expertise than I have that will correct me soon I am sure. Until
then just try adjusting and see if it helps

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Post by damjan »

You also need to focus your air more. What that
means is that the opening in your lip propbably needs to be smaller than it is
right now and this air needs to point into the flute more. Try adjusting your
aperture (the hole between the lips) and the direction/angle of the air and see
where you get the best tone. A good tone is always a long process and requires a
great deal of individual experimentation. Best of luck.
Damjan, --- Fluteland.com Teacher

Uematsu Jr.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:49 pm


Post by Uematsu Jr. »

Yayness! Thanks.

Uematsu Jr.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:49 pm


Post by Uematsu Jr. »

Any more good tone tips?

Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:18 pm


Post by angel_of_music »

practice long tones for 15-20 mins a day. you'll
sound like an angel (eventually). how to do them... start on G2. go down
chromatically (G-F#, F#-F, etc), not going on to the next note until you feel
you have achieved the most beautiful sound possible. fill the room with your
sound. make it full and rich. drop your jaw a bit, and create a "cave" in your
mouth (meaning open it and your throat up as possible). dont hold anything back,
just let the sound come out. if it helps, close your eyes, and just focus on
your sound

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Post by MattMom »

Wow-great advice all around here. I just have a
couple of little things to add. Keep your lips in shape, especially in the dry
winter air. Stay hydrated, keep your lips moisturized, etc. Again, focusing your
air flow is FAR more important, but if your lips are too dry it's even harder.
The other part, I bring over from singing - but I think it's just as important
in flute. Support, support, support. Breathe from the diaphragm, and keep your
core (stomach, back and waist muscles) in decent shape. If you slouch when you
play, you just won't get enough air going to.....yep, focus the stream. I also
find that when I'm mentally focused on posture and breathing, I seem to pay a
little better attention to the rest of the details.

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Post by fandette »

If you use blow at your flute from the back of the mouth then that could produce the airy sound, so try to use the diaphrasm more it that is the case

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Post by jessclark »

Now, if you are playing the flute and all you hjear is a beautiful air free tone, you sound like crap to the aduience.

"WHAT?" you ask.

That is right, you should roll out and lif you chin until you hear a little bit of air. The audience will not hear this whispering of the air and you will have a full load sound.
Clark --- Resources for all typed of Flutists:

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Location: Georgia

Post by Hari »

I had the same problem for the longest time. Recently, I found that if you separate your back teeth sortof while you're playing, it makes your tone a lot nicer. Also, it can make you louder, which helps a lot with changing dynamics. I don't know if this will work for you, or if it's a conventional method, it was just something I discovered while playing one day. :)
Best of luck,
...member of the order of the double sharp.
...freshman who has not had a chair test since the
end of seventh grade [;_;] but would like to be
remembered as the first chair.
...a word to the wise: never eat more than 7
bananas in one sitting.

Posts: 51
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Post by biggzh »

odd, I start on A2

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