Professional Headjoint and Flute Poll

Flute History and Instrument Purchase

Moderators: Classitar, pied_piper, Phineas

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Post by fluteguy18 »

I agree Sidekicker. This has become ridiculous. I havent really been much into the argument [at least from my perspective] and have just added a note here or there. But I agree, it is getting old. And it is annoying people. This debate has stooped below levels of appropriate decency, and I am finished with it. I was finished with my last post actually, but I just wanted to say that I agree with sidekicker. I support people in this thread, but I am tired of seeing this argument go around in circles.

It is pointless.

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Post by remnantpark »

I agree, woof. I do like science a lot and i must admit that there were interesting points made despite the "clawing" and "scratching".

And fights are pointless. Failiure to communicate that's what it is.

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Post by fluteguy18 »

::: with no religious context:::::


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Post by Phineas »

You know, 80% of flute science is scifi. As a person who has worked in sound aerodynamics, and has a degree in Physics, I really get entertained by these discussions.

Just play the D**N thing!


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"Alex Harris"

Post by kateJ »


I just saw this, and laughed and laughed. Typical. Don't you have anything better to do?

A few things:

1) what the f is an "Alex Harris"?

2) all our gigs are now performed exclusively in the middle of the ocean. usually next to foghorns.

3) loved the "teach you some humility" line. Really classy!

Since you clearly have time to burn, email me please, my address is my (real) first name followed by L's birthdate @ hotmail. No year in the date.

P.S. I believe you-know-who used to say that it is not only the upper partials that carry the tone, but also correct intonation of all the partials together that produces resonance and carries the sound the farthest.

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