Is half an hour a week enough?

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Tachugar »

i am a student but my teacher can only see me
once every friday and for only 30 to 40 mins is that enough???[:bigsmile:] i am
bigginer though i practise by my self a lot since i know how to read music from
another instrument i play what do you think?[:praise:]
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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by BandSlave »

Hey there. I've been playing for a while and I
used to have a flute teacher when I started as well. We only met on sunday
evenings for half an hour. I did it that way for a few years, then 45 min. for a
few, and then I got an hour lesson in 8th grade. I no longer have a flute
teacher and I'm a senior in HS now and first chair. I'm sure if you practice
on your own during the week you'll be a great success! Good luck and have a
wonderful time. Band is truely one of the only things you have that stays with
you your whole life; I, personally, don't know what I would do without it!
Never stop playing! Yours, Abby

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Tachugar »

thanx very much for the help. and yes i also think
that music stays for ever. my teacher says i've got natural spirit because i
could play the first day. i hope i dont loose it![:)] but yes i love it so much
i practise myself a lot! thanx again![;)]
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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Cass »

Meeting for any amount of time with a private
instructor is good for you. It's up to you whether your time is productive or
not. Your lesson technique will improve as things progress, and you will get a
lot accomplished. I meet with my professor an hour a week, but some students
only meet half an hour, and we're college music majors. However, it is stressed
that however much time you spend with your instructor once a week (at least at
my school) you need to spend that amount of time everyday in the practice room.
So, technically, I need to practice an hour a day because I have an hour lessone
every week. However, you should discuss with your private teacher about your
practice habits. You're probably doing fine. ;)
Cass <><

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Tachugar »

thanx![:)] [:bigsmile:]
long as air exists our notes will be heard. :-D

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by cc »

I'm sure you've heard the notorious chinese
proverb"You're teacher can open doors for you,but you must walk through
them."That applies alot to music. You must be your own teacher & lavish the
knowledgable outlet your teacher has for you, but practicing for yourself is key
for improving. [:bigsmile:] I always had 30 min. lesons & find that to be a good
amount of time.[::)]

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by flute friend »

Hi!! I think if you practice long and hard at home
you can be good even if you only have a little bit of time with your teacher. If
you ever have quistions from throughout the week make sure to ask him/her so you
are able to make the right sound in the right pitch!!! I'm sure you will be
great!! I started 7 months ago and I always improve after practiceing so I'm
sure you will de fine!!! -Flute friend [:bigsmile:]

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by karnote »

I take lessons only everyother week for 45 min.
but try to practic atleast atleast a half hour every day. I have been playing
for eight yrs now[:)]

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Penny »

I read that 1 hr a day of practice and a lesson a
week and you will be able to play the flute. Three hours a day of practice and
you will become a flute player. [:sun:] Everyone is different and every teacher
is different as to how efficiently your time is used. A half hour lesson a week
if used wisely should get you to a good level. First and foremost, you have to
ask what are you trying to achieve. Do you hope your relatives ask you to play a
carol at Christmas or do you want Galway to ask you to perform a duet with him?

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by evereflute »

I only have 25 minutes a day... it is so in music
academies... other I should go to expensive private lesson... it is not enough,
but with practise and flute seminars, it should become ok...
studying flute since September 2002 in Brussels - Belgium

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by evereflute »

I meant 25 minutes a week...
studying flute since September 2002 in Brussels - Belgium

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Penny »

If you are in a music academy you probably
practice daily in classes. A great deal of practice. But not school I ever heard
of keeps you so busy you only have 25 min of spare time a day. Maybe in
Brussels? Good luck and hope you are enjoying your flute.

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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by dancingflutist3000 »

[quote] ---------------- On 2/2/2003 12:53:06 PM i
am a student but my teacher can only see me once every friday and for only 30 to
40 mins is that enough???[:bigsmile:] i am bigginer though i practise by my self
a lot since i know how to read music from another instrument i play what do you
think?[:praise:] ---------------- [/quote] That should be okay. I would expect
more actually. At school thought do you have sectionals? If you do those could
count partly as private lessons (depending on how many people attend) even
though the attention isn't focused solely on you. It's good that you practice
by yourself because really, a private teacher is mostly ment to DIRECT their
student's playing.
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Is half an hour a week enough?

Post by Flutey007Tooty »

I pracitice 30 minutes a day when I have time and
I've found to be very succesful since I was 1st chair flute last year...braces
mess me up now
it WELL, not loud and fast

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