waiting for audition results...helpp!

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waiting for audition results...helpp!

Post by liv4music »

Last week, I sent in my audition tape for the Macy's Great American Marching Band, and I wont get my results back until the end of April. I'm going crazyyy!!!!!
Does anyone have tips to not keep worrying about if you're gonna make it or not? Because I have no clue what Im gonna do with myself If I dont and I cant stop thinking about not making it and I cant stop thinking this way!!!

PS, has anyone played "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan on flute before??? I got the music in band yesterday, and I LOVE IT. It's really really easy, but it's so prettyy! And I love the song too.

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Post by finallyflute-ing »

The best advice I can give you is to keep yourself busy... I know, it's tough to do, but practice after the audition just as hard as you did before it. Run your warmups all the way through and play your pieces. By the end of it you'll either be too busy or too exausted to worry.
The best thing about the situation is - if you make it, then you've (hopefully) advanced as a player even past your level at your audition. And if you don't make it, then you're that much more prepared to go into your next audition.

Either way, good luck! Be sure to let us know if you've made it or not when results come in!

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Post by fluttiegurl »

Move on to the next project. That is what I always did back when I was competing. If you don't have a "next project" find a piece that you have always wanted to learn and focus on it. Good luck!

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Post by liv4music »


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Post by OdetteBrion »

I have an audition on March 29th and I won't find out my results until May or June. However I am fortunate enough to have several other music festivals and provincials to worry about in the meantime. But I always look at things like this: you are either going to play badly, just fine or incredibly well, and you can't really prepare for it ahead of time, except for your daily practice. I just try to play the very best that I can, and once what's done is done, there's nothing else you can do about it (except maybe go eat some chocolate or have a massage to calm your nerves lol). Luckily flute can be a lifelong study, and all you can do is get better. So if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

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Post by fluteguy18 »

I myself am waiting on the results of an audition I recently took. It is absolutely agonizing... I will find out sometime this week, but what is worse, is that some people have already been notified of their acceptance/rejection into the summer program. I haven't heard anything yet... but I will assume that no news is good news for the time being. I was told I would be notified by email of my acceptance/rejection.

No email yet....

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