
For Anything and Everything to do with Flute Playing and Music

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Post by tarzaflute »

I was thinking about this the other night when I saw a post
on another site saying, "I''ve had my flute for 2 years and I NEED to upgrade"
I had my flute for 6 years before I even thought about upgrading and it stills
plays very well, never had a problem with it. Am I one in a million or something
cause I can''t see why people always say they NEED to upgrade after a matter
of a couple of years. I upgraded cause I couldn''t get anything else out of my
flute, but I''m starting to think some people are worried about what materials
they are using, I know there are genuine cases but can anyone see where I''m
coming from? I''m curious about why people upgrade.

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Post by Penny »

Well Pandora do you really want to open that box? I think
you play into and out of a flute. How long that takes varies from person to
person and from opinion to opinion. My suggestion to you is go to a store or
borrow from a teacher a better level flute. If it sounds better or you feel it
plays better it maybe time for you to upgrade. If you notice no difference
either you are testing a pearl or armstrong.<g> Just kidding, if you don't feel
a difference and your teacher doesn't hear a difference your current flute is
still fine. I think the question most people don't ask before an upgrade is in
what way will a better flute help? How and where will I use it? Do I want to
take a $3,000 (or more) instrument to school and leave in my locker and have it
banged or droped in Band? Will anyone listening to the school concert notice a
difference? Will I feel better and improve more playing a better flute? How long
will you be playing? How serious are your? Is it an affordable luxury? No answer
works for everyone. Some stay with a student flute into college. Some buy a
'lexus' (wrong thread) as soon as they get good enough to hear the difference
and decide they will play through school. Of course you are one in a million.
But not because you don't feel you need to spend more money on a flute. There
is little you can't learn on a quality lower level flute. But many students
make a huge leap forward when they upgrade. Do your own test.

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flute girl
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Post by flute girl »

I upgraded because my flute was bought at a yard sale
(seriously!) Somthing was messed up in the keys that made it so I couldnt play
low notes, it was dirty, and old. Thats what I call a good reason. I got a way
better one for only $800 It's a B-foot in-line open-holed flute And DEFINNETLY
plays waay better.
Lana <>< The
sentence below is false. The sentence above is true.

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Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2003 6:59 am


Post by tarzaflute »

I think both comments are understandable, but I'm talking
about people who have been playing for not very long, have just finished their
first book and think its time to buy a luxury flute that they probably won't
sound any better on because their playing isn't developed. I can understand
upgrading from a flute from a yard sale with a problem that is either
irrepairable or would just wouldn't be worth fixing. That reason does make
sense but I still don't get the ones that upgrade saying they 'need' to when
I'm sure they have quite a lot of room for development on their old flute.

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Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2003 6:59 am


Post by tarzaflute »

Also Penny, your upgrading advise is very good, I upgraded
a few months ago now and I've still kept my old flute for school. With the
levels we play with, a better flute isn't neccessary, I mainly just use my good
flute for private lessons and any solo work, where the difference to me
personally and a lot of musically involved people can really appreciate the
difference in sound. Thanx again for your comment!

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