How many flutes in your band ?

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by fluteluversmom »

It seems that band/section sizes really can vary
on school size and from grade to grade. How many flutes are in your band ? How
many band members in the entire band ? My daughters 7th grade band has 13 flutes
and the 7th grade band has roughly 80 some members altogether.
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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by Penny »

Last year the top band had 9 flutes and
the second band had about 12 I think and I don't recall beginner band but I
guess it was about 10. When they all played together and there were nearly 40
flutes it was crazy time. This year its 8(?) and I dont know the concert or
beginner band numbers yet, but down from last year.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by fluteluversmom »

Your daughter is lucky to go to a
Middle School that has separate bands like that. Mine will have to wait until
High School for that [:((] Kim
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

In the band I'm in, the honor band
(which isn't that honorific anyways... we just call ourselves the honor band
bacause it makes us sound specialer than the all-star and cadet band) we have...
eight? yeah. eight flutes. As for how many are in the all-star and cadet
bands... I have no idea. O.o They don't tell us these things.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by Princess »

There are 6 flutes in my 6th grade
band, and about......40 in the whole band, and that is including high schoolers
who come over to play with us.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by tarzaflute »

At the moment we have 7, we did have 8
but one changed to bassoon. Next year we will have 4 or 5instrument sections in
the bands have to be more equalled out to the number of people in it. Clarinets
will also be cut, more french horns will be added and I'm sure other stuff will
change. I'm pretty sure of 2 who will get in, me and another girl who is second
chair 'so to speak' and I'm sure that another girl in it will get in. The
others are basically in direct competition for spots but I'm sure however it
works out we will have a pretty good section. [8)]

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by tarzaflute »

reading the rest, I couldnt be exact on
how many people there are, but in the particular band I'm in there would be
around 50 people I'd guess, and that would be pretty close. [8)]

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by Amber »

My band total has 20 flutes. We have 2
bands though, concert band and wind ensemble. The wind ensemble takes about 8-9
flutes and the rest are in concert band.
Forever! <3 Amber

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by flute friend »

WE have about 30 people in our band and
we have 4 flutes it is 7th and 8th grade but after cristmas the 6th grade joins
us ( they have there own band for now till they get a little better) when they
do we will have about 10 flutes and about 40ish people in our band and that is
6th,7th,and 8th grade.[:)]

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

those bands seem so small to me in my
band we have roughly 100 people and about 20 flutes its 8th grade and only 8th
grade seems strange....
"Q: How many classical flutists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only
one, but she'll pay $5,000 for a gold-plated ladder." --Kathy Russell

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by Penny »

20 FLUTES? OMG 8th grade has 20
flutists? Must be a pretty big school. I agree 4 seems small but 20 for one
grade is huge. 20 out of a 100? Why is flute so much more popular than the other
instruments? I thought 10 was too many, how do you deal with 20? I wonder why
some band directors group players by grade instead of ability? Must be a
scheduling thing.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by jaccavrie »

i'm in a large high school (over 2000
students) and we have 4 bands: symphonic 1, symphonic 2, concert 1, and concert
2, which are arranged by ability. we have over 80 people in my band class, and
roughly about the same in all the bands, totalling to more than 300 in all four
bands plus the percussion section, which has its own class. i think we have
somewhere between 20-25 flutes in that class alone, so i'm estimating around
50-60 flutes in the entire band program, not including those who originally
played flute and switched to brass instruments.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by tarzaflute »

We have around 1400 people at our
school, yet we only have 7 flutes in our highest band, and around 8 in another,
plus beginners learn, but thats all grades. Next year as I mentioned above,
there is going to be a cut, to possibly 4, maybe 5 in our highest band.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by FluteMasterGuy »

in my entire junior high band, we have
about 35 flute players.

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How many flutes in your band ?

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

wow!! my school has 1000 people and
nobody gets turned down from band, we dont have chairs and we dont have a lot of
instruments we have a lot of trumpets saxaphones flutes and clarinets(20-30 of
each) 2 tenor saxes 1 baritone horn about 20 drummers 2 bass clarinets 2 alto
clarinets and 2 mallet players so we have over 100 i feel like my band is
"Q: How many classical flutists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only
one, but she'll pay $5,000 for a gold-plated ladder." --Kathy Russell

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