Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by Kristina »

OK''m 15 and i am in
the 10th grade and i wanna be in the marching it too late to learn by
marching season? cause i really wanna play! so ya think just forget bout being
on the highschool band cause it is too late or not...

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by damjan »

Kristina, It is not too late for you to
play in the marching band while in high school. You might not be able to do it
in a month but late spring you should be able to play some music. Of course, it
all depends how much effort and practice you put into it and how difficult your
marching band music is. Regardless, learning to play will be rewarding in itself
and with time you will get even more pleasure by playing with others. Good
Damjan, --- Teacher

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by hypercrasz »

It is never to late. I am 31 and I just
purchased a flute for my daughter and we are both learning together. If you
start now, and practice daily, and take some lessons. you should be somewhat be
ready for you JR. year. Also talk with your band director and music teacher. See
what they have to say. Good luck next year. [:)] [:)]

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by Tachugar »

Who said its too late to do
something??? i'm 14 and after having a recorder abrsm examination my teacher
said he wanted me playing a flute and so i did! i tarted last month and i'm
really enjoying it![:bigsmile:]
long as air exists our notes will be heard. :-D

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by tarzaflute »

It definately isn't too late, I've
been playing my flute for years but I just started clarinet a few months ago and
I'm improving by leaps and bounds. Practice is definately the key to getting
there and if you are determined you'll be fine! [:)]

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by LizS »

I think that if you work hard you will
be able to play by marching season. Marching band music is usually not
difficult, so you should be able to handle it. You're never too old to learn
how to play an instrument. Good luck!!

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by Becky »

Do it!!! Doooooo it!! It's never, ever
too late! Becky, England xXxXx
hee!!! Look at the pic! I love that image, it cracks me up every

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by karnote »

I think if you want to do it , then do
it. Its never to late to take up an instrument I am now 61 an started taking
flute lessons eight yrs ago an absolutely love it. So, good luck in whatever you
decide to do.[:)]

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by cujo »

Never too late! Im 21 and just
starting. Ive played many instruments but I always liked the sound of the flute,
but never really got serious about playing. But now Im getting back to just
playing flute(and guitar[:bigsmile:] )

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by Kristin »

Definitely not!!! I just started
playing the flute 6 months ago when I was 15. I'm not in the school band this
year, because they couldn't fit it into my schedule, but I will be next year.
Go for it- I'm so glad I did
in doubt, trill." -John Phillip Sousa "Being strong and silent only gets you so
far... it''s the things you don''t say you regret the most."

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by Curtis »

Here's a better question: I'm 58,
soon to be 59. Am I too old? I inherited an Armstrong 104, which hadn't been
played for over 30 years until I started playing with it last week. It's with a
repairman right now for a "tune up."

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by damjan »

Dear Curtis, There are quite a few
members of Fluteland who are about your age. There is one who has been a member
for almost a year and has made significant progress on the flute. His name is
Gerry (just type it in the search and his posts will pop up). You might not play
first flute in a simhony orchestra but with persistence and practice, you can
play the flute well and enjoy doing it. It is never to late to learn.
Damjan, --- Teacher

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Is 15 too old to learn to play the flute?

Post by Curtis »

Thank you for the encouragement.
Somehow I missed out on music lessons when I was a kid, although my older
brother has been playing clarinet for over 50 years.

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