
Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Post by dancingflutist3000 »

My friend who plays flute just recently got her braces on and is
having problems reajusting her embouture (spelling?). She can''t play higher
than D2 which is a problem because in sections we have a choramatic scale test
in a week. Are there any tips or exercises that could help her regain her
correct mouth placing? (she got braces on bottem and top teeth)
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Uematsu Jr.
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Post by Uematsu Jr. »

Yeah, I'm gonna get braces soon, will this change how I play
and sound?

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Post by Flutey007Tooty »

I got braces last year and it felt weird, tell your friend to
try rolling the flute in or out. That helped me alot. Mostly, just tell your
friend to practice after school alot, because with braces it mostly just takes
some getting used to. [;)]
it WELL, not loud and fast

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Post by lhampton »

Yeah, I've had braces on for a while and You get used to it.
Try playing around with your embochure. I'm afraid to get mine off becuz they
make you realize what your embochure sounds like, always checking to see if
it's airy or not. There's another posst about braces in the hang out place i
think. Leanne

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Post by drumsaresoooobetter »

well really....if your friends like me, your music teacher
really doesnt understand what your friends going my teacher just
simply called my mom and INSISTED that i take private lessons...he claims it
works...i got braces 6 months ago and gotten used to them being in the
way...just tell your friend to watch out when they tighten them...i find that a
big pain for 2-3 days when playing my flutee...
xoxo)lil miss princess

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Post by floutist »

I've had braces for about a year and a half and i've been
playing flute the whole time. I was very inconvinenced by them for a while but
you get used to it. My advice is that you just make sure that you get your top
lip all the way over your braces. They really change your embachure and your
tone quality but it just takes getting used to.

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Post by Musicnote43 »

I believe a few people here have already stated what I would have added.... but I do have one comment. Leanne- Getting your tone back, when your braces come off is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to become accustomed to compared to getting braces on! :D

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Post by Dance4Him »

I have braces now and am just learning to play the flute so will I have to relearn it after I get them off :?:
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Post by flutituti »

to Dance4him
i have talked to some of my friends who had braces and they said it felt easier to play after they got their braces off so maybe that will happen with you too. you will not neet to relearn the flute, although you may need to ajust your embochure.

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im going to be getting braces

Post by flutegrl101 »

and i am just learning flute. will this change how i play or sound.

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Post by amhso »

You get used to it. But i swear, i know some people when they got them off, big improvement..but it might just be them. I can't wait to get mine off...I have to wait around a year and a half till then.

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Post by LaDanseuse »

Haha... I had the opposite problem. I started playing with braces, and I didn't have any problems. Until I got them off. Then my tone got exponentially puffier. Turned out that I was so used to playing with something in my mouth, I couldn't play without my retainer :lol: I had to work on a tighter embouchure.

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