
Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Post by sunnie_daze »

I started playing the flute in 6th grade(I am 25) and i stopped after I graduated from high school in 1997. I am starting to play again and for the life of me I can't read the music. Do you know anywhere online that I could find some free help? Not sure if I want to get too deep into it again.

Thank in advance

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Post by Mango »

How could you forget how to read music? It's like forgetting to read, period!

Sorry, anyway, I'm sure if you google for "reading music" or how to or something, it will pop up.

What exactly is the problem, did you forget what a quarter note, etc. look like, or do you not know what a line/space of the staff means? Does none of this make sense to you?

If you give me more specific information, I'll be glad to help. I've been reading music almost as long as I've been reading words.
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Post by Drummer_Girl »


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Post by steelpanther02 »

I always remembered rhymes like Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge and words like FACE to remember what each note on the staff is. I'd write them in my music until I remembered on my own.

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