Newbie.. Some questions needing to be answered ^_^

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Newbie.. Some questions needing to be answered ^_^

Post by FluttiTutti »

Hi, I am new here! lol

I've been playing the flute for 4.5 years, and I'm a student. I think i use the Armstrong 104.. not sure tho. it says W.T. ARMSTRONG then below it, 104, below that some random numbers.


1. Tell me about yourself! What flute do you use? Just some basic info
2. How do i acheive vibrato? (specifics please)
3. How can i train my breath so i have better support?
4. Why are some notes harder to play than others? (especially middle E flat, middle F, middle B flat, and middle C. I always "leak" and it goes down an octave a little. How do i prevent this?
5. What does "concert" [insert note here] mean?
6. Is there any way i can tune easier? I never know if i'm flat or sharp and i always am out of tune.. but i don't want to buy a tuner! :roll:
7. Do some brands of flutes work better than others? or does it depend on the person? (once i rented a flute and it was quite hard to play, since i wasn't used to it)
Ok probably more questions coming your way.. but for now, thats all! Sorry for all the questions and long post. ! Thanks!!! :D

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Post by CaperFlutist »

1. Tell me about yourself! What flute do you use? Just some basic info
I'm 29, played since I was 13. I play a Powell professional flute. I have a B.Mus and am interested in performance and theory mostly. I sing in a high level choir, play in a lot of concerts, teach flute, piano and voice and take organ lessons and want to become a church organist someday soon

2. How do i acheive vibrato? (specifics please)
It's better if you have the guidance of a teacher, but basically start with controlled vibrations (ie eight notes) when you play long notes. To help think "pant like a dog" for diaphramic pulses. Tryy slow and gradually speed up. Fast vibrato usually is not's using the throat. Be careful with your placement and speed of vibrato. You should not use the same speed all the time, and you should especially not use too fast nanny goat vibratoo. It's gross.
3. How can i train my breath so i have better support?

Breathing exercises are the way. Long tones too. If you want details on exercises I can post them
4. Why are some notes harder to play than others? (especially middle E flat, middle F, middle B flat, and middle C. I always "leak" and it goes down an octave a little. How do i prevent this?
For middle E flat..MAKE SURE YOUR LH 1st FINGER IS UP. Make sure that you are supporting the notes with enough air pressure and speed.

5. What does "concert" [insert note here] mean?
Basically concert whatever means to play the note that sounds like the note mentioned. It's not a problem for flute, piano, violin because when they see a C, a C comes out. For clarinet, trumpet and tenor sax, the note they play sounds a 2nd below what they read. For example, they see a C and a B flat comes out because they are B flat instruments, Alto sax sounds a minor third higher than written. Therefore, concert C means for the flute, violin, piano, etc to play C, the trumpet, clarinet and tenor sax to play D (which sounds like C) and the alto sax to play A (which sounds like C)

6. Is there any way i can tune easier? I never know if i'm flat or sharp and i always am out of tune.. but i don't want to buy a tuner!
Well, unless you have access to an electric keyboard which does not change pitch, or have perfect pitch, you need a tuner

7. Do some brands of flutes work better than others? or does it depend on the person? (once i rented a flute and it was quite hard to play, since i wasn't used to it)

Well, some brands are better made than others and there are quite a few crap student flutes, but generally, other than crap instruments it does depend on the person

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Post by pandagirl11 »

1. Tell me about yourself! What flute do you use? Just some basic info

I'm 17, from Canada, and I started flute just after my 16th birthday (October 10th). I started off with a Gemeinhardt 72SP student model flute and just recently upgraded to a Yamaha YFL-481H intermediate model. I will be completing grade 8 in about six months. I also play piano, violin, and viola. I have a DipABRSM performer's and an ARCT performer's diplomas in piano and as for violin and viola, I just take those for fun at school.

2. How do i acheive vibrato? (specifics please)

My teacher taught me to silently mouth Ha, Ha, Ha, while moving my diaphragm the way I would if I were laughing. Surprisingly, the first time I achieved a slight vibrato was when I burst out laughing while I was playing. The best way to learn, however, is to have someone teach you, because everyone is unique.

3. How can i train my breath so i have better support?

Long notes!! Just keep playing them!

4. Why are some notes harder to play than others? (especially middle E flat, middle F, middle B flat, and middle C. I always "leak" and it goes down an octave a little. How do i prevent this?

This notes are played with figurings that are used for the same note of two octaves. You must learn to support it with enough air pressure and speed. It may also help to look upwards and pretend you're directing your air up towards the corner where the ceiling meets the wall.

5. What does "concert" [insert note here] mean?

No clue. I've never played in a band before.

6. Is there any way i can tune easier? I never know if i'm flat or sharp and i always am out of tune.. but i don't want to buy a tuner!

Of course. Listen to yourself and trust your judgement. It'll take a while, though. The easiest thing to do is to have a keyboard or piano nearby.

7. Do some brands of flutes work better than others? or does it depend on the person? (once i rented a flute and it was quite hard to play, since i wasn't used to it)

It depends on you, mostly.

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Post by FluttiTutti »

ok thanks everyone... that helped A LOT!

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Post by amhso »


1. Tell me about yourself! What flute do you use? Just some basic info
I'm Alex, 14 year old flute player 1st chair in my symphonic band. i play 4 instruments, electric guitar, flute, picc, and tenor sax. hehe music's great!
2. How do i acheive vibrato? (specifics please)
Get a metrenome and do waves of sound, speeding/slowing down your air, make sure there is a big difference, but while avoiding losing the note or cracking.
3. How can i train my breath so i have better support?
Use your diaphragm...and I don't know much else.
4. Why are some notes harder to play than others? (especially middle E flat, middle F, middle B flat, and middle C. I always "leak" and it goes down an octave a little. How do i prevent this?

Relax and don't tighten your lips. Have more support, sustain the air you need with your diaphragm (you don't have to sit and pay attention to your diaphragm) and just make sure your airstream doesn't lose air. use MORE air, not necessarily faster air.
5. What does "concert" [insert note here] mean?
in simple, it's the ptich of the note if you were to play it on the piano. if you played a C on a clarinet it wouldn't be a C on the piano. if you played a C on flute, it would be the same as a C on the piano.
6. Is there any way i can tune easier? I never know if i'm flat or sharp and i always am out of tune.. but i don't want to buy a tuner! Rolling Eyes It takes a lot of training to tune by ear very well. There's a lot of description to go along with this, but I would think that a metrenome/tuner is one of the best investments for ANY musician.
7. Do some brands of flutes work better than others? or does it depend on the person? (once i rented a flute and it was quite hard to play, since i wasn't used to it)
No it's not that they work better or worse (some cases it COSTCO flutes). Usually flutes are preference. I can play on any flute but gemeinhardts (spelling?), closed or open. It just depends on the palyer for the flute.

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