For Anything and Everything to do with Flute Playing and Music

Moderators: Classitar, pied_piper, Phineas

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Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:12 pm


Post by Jeana555 »

Hey everyone!! Im new here :P I also just started playing the flute not to long ago.. maybe for about a month or so.. anyways i am in a "symphonic band class" in high school and im alright at playing cuz ive played clarinet since 7th grade ..so it was easy picking up this instrument.. well anyways i just want to know how u can get those high notes out? Ive tried and tried and tried but it never works for me! LOL! I can play all my scales but not that great.. haha.. (but im learning).. well anyways i just got a flute for Christmas cuz i begged my mom...cuz like ive said ive been playing the clarinet.. well anyways please respond.. sorry if i bored you with this long message!
Jeana Beana

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:12 pm


Post by Jeana555 »

thanks! I just need all the advice i can get right now!! thanks so much!! :) :)

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Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:23 pm
Location: Pleasanton

Post by amhso »

tightening you lips is bad for intonation and tone. blow down and with more air, not faster air, but more air for the high notes. it's creates better tone and you can avoid some problems with tone and tuning like this. don't roll in or out for high notes either.

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