New Flute Music?

Advanced Technique, Performance Questions, Auditions, Recording, etc.

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New Flute Music?

Post by andrew2lu »

I'm auditioning for a bunch of music schools soon, and UCLA is on my list. They require a contemporary piece that was written in the past 30 years. Any recommendations?

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Re: New Flute Music?

Post by pied_piper »

A lot of works written in the last 30 years will involve extended techniques. Go on YouTube and look for some of these:

Michael Colquhoun - Charanga (1993)
This one is a lot of fun to play! It uses some extended techniques like air sounds, a few multiphonics, and humming while you play.

Most anything written by these composers:
Ian Clarke - Great Train Race, Zoom Tube
Gary Schocker - Under the Sultan, Ambidextranata (for one player playing BOTH flute and piano)
Robert Dick - Fish Are Jumping
"Never give a flute player a screwdriver."

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Re: New Flute Music?

Post by fluteguy18 »

You also have a lot of works written by Katherine Hoover at your disposal that don't focus on extended techniques. Unmetered yes. Extended techniques, not so much.

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Re: New Flute Music?

Post by mrcopper »

Duplicate of a note in the general forum, but here's one that is contemporary and lets you work on understanding and improving intonation. Contact me for a licensed pdf. ... ted_circle


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Re: New Flute Music?

Post by LizHennessy »

Hello Andrew. My name is Liz and I am from Melbourne Australia. How did your audition go last year? Hope it went well. :) Just wanted to let you know I have written a flute concerto in case you are interested and you can check it out here: You can have access to a movement for free which includes a piano reduction and orchestral parts.
Hope your playing is going well.

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