I'm a couple years above the age of 70 now and have been interested in music and making music most of my life. As a child I played in bands, starting with drums, then trumpet, baritone horn, french horn, trombone, etc. (mainly brass). While in high school in the 60's I picked up the "folk" music trend playing guitar and singing folk songs, I started taking classical guitar lessons, but couldn't keep my fingernails long enough to do well. After HS graduation, I went to college to study engineering. Played in the ROTC drum and bugle corps, but not much else musical. Joined the USAF and did almost nothing musical. After 7 years in the Air Force, I returned to civilian life, but from 1976 to 1996 did little in music except for listening to a lot of classical and opera.
In 1996 though, I suddenly got the desire to pick an instrument and begin to learn again. Since I grew up in a high school system that didn't have any orchestra classes, only band, I decided it would be great fun to learn the violin. I stared taking lessons from a Dallas man who had a quartet that played around the area. I was hooked. Soon I was able to play many pieces without scaring the cat and dogs around the house to death! Now arthritis in my fingers has caused me to have to slow down with the violin.
The other day, I went to an estate sale and picked up a Yamaha 225s flute for $22.50! It and the case are in great shape (no dings, dents scrapes). The flute itself is tarnished a bit, but that shouldn't be a big deal. Back when I was in grammar and high school my sister played the flute. At the time I was able to pick out many tunes on her instrument and even played along with "Stars and Stripes Forever" piccolo part (no sure how well though)!
Now that I've got my own flute, though, I'm completely lost as to how to finger it. I can make random "nice sounding" tones, but my memory of the fingering is gone, gone, gone...
As a self-learner beginner, what are your suggestions as to where I should start to learn how to play this instrument? I live in a pretty remote rural area so don't think I'd have much luck finding an instructor.
Sorry for going on for so long,
in Lone Oak, TX
New, old beginner
Moderators: Classitar, pied_piper, Phineas
- pied_piper
- Posts: 1962
- Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:31 pm
- Location: Virginia
Re: New, old beginner
Here are a few online resources to help you get started.
Fingering charts:
General info for beginners:
Fingering charts:
General info for beginners:
"Never give a flute player a screwdriver."
Re: New, old beginner
@pied_piper thanks for the useful links. I've been to Jennifer Cluff's site before. Lots of resources.
I've just been going through Rebecca Fuller's LearnFluteOnline.com web beginner videos. Interesting too.
I'm looking for a site that caters to folks that already know how to read music, but want to learn the mechanics of flute playing. I hope musicality will follow once I've got the basics down
There is still a lot of valuable information out here on the web. When I was first learning violin, I found many dedicated sites that were able to help me over some rough spots. But I started learning violin with an excellent teacher, so the web was just supplemental information. Attempting to start off on the flute just using web resources is a little more daunting!
Thanks again. I will be working my way through these forums and I'm sure I'll have many more questions.
I've just been going through Rebecca Fuller's LearnFluteOnline.com web beginner videos. Interesting too.
I'm looking for a site that caters to folks that already know how to read music, but want to learn the mechanics of flute playing. I hope musicality will follow once I've got the basics down

There is still a lot of valuable information out here on the web. When I was first learning violin, I found many dedicated sites that were able to help me over some rough spots. But I started learning violin with an excellent teacher, so the web was just supplemental information. Attempting to start off on the flute just using web resources is a little more daunting!
Thanks again. I will be working my way through these forums and I'm sure I'll have many more questions.