Moderators: Classitar, pied_piper, Phineas
flute buzzing
No, I am not referring to multiphonics, although flute buzzing is also used as a technique to enhance the flute tone and breath control. It has been explained to me as being similar to the buzzing a trumpet player must do in order to produce a tone. I've also heard it referred to as "spit buzzing".
Thank you!! Laurie P.
Thank you!! Laurie P.
Well as far as buzzing goes it is like a trumpet, what you need to do is be able to produce the proper buzzing that a trumpet would. It is basically like blowing a raspberry. then to make the pitch go up and down you tighten or loosen your diaphragm and make a smaller hole. Btw try to not pull your lips back a lot just think of making the hole smaller and push your lips forward a bit. Idk if this will help with what Underwood is advocating but that is how to do it on a trumpet.