Problem with holding long notes.

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Problem with holding long notes.

Post by flute_lover »

I have a problem with holding notes. I just can't seem to hold all the notes to get a beautiful melody. I am not able to hold a note for 10 seconds, only about 3-4 second. Is there a way I could hold my notes longer ?? Or is there any kind of exercise I can do to hold it longer??

Thanks to all replies.

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Post by auletes83 »

Expanding lung capacity is done by doing two things: cardiovascular activity and practicing long tones. Do any form of cardio on a regular basis, ie running, jumping rope, step aerobics, etc... Also, practice long tones with a metronome through the WHOLE range of the flute every day. Set the metronome at about 60 and try and increase the number of clicks per note by one every day. I've been doing this religiously for nearly a year now, and I can hold most notes (except in the third and fourth octave), for thirty seconds. Good luck! :)
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Post by fluttiegurl »

Expanding the lung copacity is definately very important, and will take some tie. Another thing that you may want to work on is focusing your air and making sure that you do not use too muck air at one time. Players often believe that to get a nice big sound, they need to use more air. This is not always the case. Opening the inside of your mouth while you play allows for a bigger sound without forcing too much air through the flute.

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Post by fluttiegurl »

I meant to say "time" instead of "tie". My brain often works faster that I can type :oops:

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Post by Drummer_Girl »

lol i do that all the time... to type with only 2 fingers... but as im a drummer i can get up to a high speed with the 2 fingers..... so my typing can get messy!

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Post by Claiken »

u type with 2 fingers??? i use all of mine, not on the keys theyre supposed to be on though,but close enough

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Post by coyote »

Me too, having difficulty holding long notes. Teacher always made me sit on a chair, bend my body downwards. Take in long breadth for 4 beats, hold for 4 beats and blow out by 4 beats. And keep increasing the beats...

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