Open holes

Alternate Fingerings, Scales, Tone, Studies, etc.

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Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:32 am

Open holes

Post by cujo »

What are the benifits of getting an open holed flute. Im
definatly getting a Yamaha well because everyone says they are the best for the
price. Do any players of these instruments have any suggestions on why they are
better than closed. THANKS

Posts: 153
Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2002 9:51 pm

Open holes

Post by damjan »

For me, there are several advantages: - you can slide from
one note to the other - you can play different fingerings for particular notes
by only covering half the hole - you can feel the vibrations of the air in your
fingertips, which gives you more connection to your instrument - the keys "vent"
better since they also have a hole in the middle of the key - they force you to
have your fingers right on the keys (assiting in proper hand position) since if
you do not cover the keys properly, the notes will not come out I hope this
Damjan, --- Teacher

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