Flute brands, what should I do?
Moderators: Classitar, pied_piper, Phineas
Flute brands, what should I do?
Hello all, I' m new to the forum and kind of new to the flute world as well. I'm from Argentina and currently on vacations in Paris. I thought, since I'm in Europe and things are cheaper here, I could buy a flute because the one I've been using was lended to me and I had to give it back. Unfortunately, most flutes are out of my price range. I just found one that was a beat cheaper: an SML for around €280. My question is, is this brand good? Or should I wait and buy one in Argentina (where the brands I could find around the same price are Parquer, Nuova, Selmer, Geimendhart considering I'd be able to use the warrante if needed. Hope you can help me