Hi, I'm fairly in the dark about any flute that's not modern, but I'm wondering about Haynes flutes and if they are really worth it? 1930's ish era.
Is there anyone on this board knowledgeable about them that I could fire a few questions at, maybe via PM? I have my eye one one and need a few opinions about them.
Thanks, help would be hugely appreciated!
Needing help with Haynes
Moderators: Classitar, pied_piper, Phineas
What do you mean are they worth it? you can find them for sale anywhere from $500 to $5000 fully overhauled and ready to play. The quality of the sound is what you would expect it to be of a heavier wall. Like any flute though you can always swap out the headjoint and get a totally new sound. So are they worth it? Depends on what you are looking for.