Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Penny »

Most players posting here that are
in bands seem to be first chairs or near the top player in their bands. Has this
ever been frustrating or boring for you considering the level of music that is
chosen to accomidate the weaker players? Any comment on what you do while other
work at a slow pace to learn what you pick up quickly?

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by fluteluversmom »

Well, I know that we deal with that
here too. This is the reason she has private that she can grow at
her own pace with her flute. I make an extra to find her more challenging music
for her to play on her own and with her lesson teacher. Band class is such a
short part of her flute playing each day so I try to teach her to take the bad
with the good. I told her that rather than spend time complaining how easy the
band music is she would be smarter to spend that time working on a new skill or
perfecting one that she already has. Also when she finally hits High School she
will have more opportunities to use her talents and may actually find it a bit
challenging playing with others that have been playing longer than her and at
that point she will be glad that she used her time now to work on some more
advanced skills that she was ready for. This really isn't much different than
finding the spelling words,math or english assignments easy but the class has to
work all together. Kim
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by tarzaflute »

Hi. I get frustrated and kinda
bored with our band and its pieces, so I don't really practice them. They are
2-4 grades lower than what I play so as soon as I get the piece put in front of
me I can virtually play it. The only thing thats interesting for me is getting
to play the solos, so I build up skills for my own needs. I just stick to the
music I play with my private flute teacher cause at least its a challenge. Also
I get really frustrated that the others complain that they suck and most of them
don't even practice. I practice 1-2 hours per day, often more and I dont just
play the same piece over and over, which is their idea of practicing. And then
some of them have the nerve to say stuff like, how come you always get to play
solos, or how come you have a good flute, its not fair, etc. They'd be lucky if
they practice an hour a week. Woah, reading over this, it sounds like I'm being
really nasty, lol. Well it is 30 something degrees celcius so its really hot,
lol! Anyway bye!

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Penny »

I dont think you sound nasty at
all. I guess it is good my daughter is not having unique problems, but sorry to
hear you are also having problems. Part of the drawback of getting what you wish
for. You want to be first chair and the best player in the band and when you get
there you find it isn't all roses. Being able to play a piece better on first
reading than the other players will at the concert after weeks of practice is
frustrating. I don't think solos are an option in my daughters band
unfortunately. About the only suggestions I have been able to come up with is to
experiment with the pieces and help out the others in your section.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Princess »

In my band the first chairs are
always acting like they're better than everyone in the band. That gets me
frustrated because anytime the teacher asks me to play the song, to show
everyone, they always laugh and ask are you sure you want her up there. I hate
it, but i am going to have to learn to just deal with it.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by fluteluversmom »

Princess~ That is so sad that they
have to act like that. I remember dealing with the same thing back when I was in
school. When my daughter was put in 1st chair last year I told her from the very
beginning to realize that there is always someone better than you and always be
prepared for that. Hopefully your band director will see how they are acting and
take care of the situation. First chair position is more than is also
about having a good attitude and being helpful too. Keep up the hard work and
keep a good attitude. Kim
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Penny »

That is rude behavior and I guess
pretty normal from that age of kids. I hope they learn and hope the band
director speaks with them. They should know that everyone starts at the
beginning and sixth graders haven't had the chance to improve that older girls
have. I remember when my daughter didn't like the attitude of the top chairs
when she had just started playing. But by the end of the year she was as good or
better than all of them. This year sees it from the point of view of the first

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by flute girl »

I was in a band like that. I was
first chair. It was waaay to easy. It was a beginner band and the students
practiced about half hour a week. The directer didn't really do anything about
it,so, I finished the band year and I decided not to go back. It was pulling me
down and it took up a lot of my practice time. I know that sounds dumb. If it
was so easy why did it take up most of my practice time? Well being first chair
isn't always easy. You have to set an example for the other flutes. And other
reasons I can't explain.[:bigsmile:]
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

I'm first chair in my band, and
have been since I remember starting to have chairs. I really don't think I'm
rude. I help the people I sit next to with their music, and any questions they
have... Even if my band teacher does glare at me occasionally for talking. [::)]
I do get bored with some of the music, but I don't mind. I just practice notes
and rhythms that are hard to me. And once second semester rolls around, I get to
go to a highschool and participate in 'youth band', where all middle school
people in my district can go and play more advanced music with highschoolers.
It's a lot of fun. Last year, my first year doing it, we played some
challenging songs and performed concerts in a higschool auditiorium! I didn't
make first chair then because I didn't practice much. I think I might have
inflated my ego. That deflated it, and I am determined to not get as big of a
head as I had last year. (Being the top flute of the band a grade older than
one's self can go to one's head). I'm happy, because this year I have a goal
to work on, something to work for.

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by eleganteva »

I remember the same thing
happeneing to me when I went from Elementary to Jr. High. I was the #1 flute in
elementary, but when the jr. high band brought together all the first flute
players, I ended up with 2nd flute pieces. I still enjoyed band. We got to play
at Dodger Stadium. A few years ago I was part of a Church choir. I was the only
flute. There was a piano, of course, a guitar, and drummer. With situations like
this not a whole lot of attention is placed on the "orchestra", so I used to
have to beg for music. I felt like I wasn't wanted and ended up quitting. I
shouldn't have to beg for music, right?
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

We dont have chairs and I feel like
the only one who doesnt, and my badn does get bored im one of the top 2 players
and i dont think im rude, but im at the age where if i try to help someone they
get mad for me noticing their doing it wrong but in high school marching band
(which im doing in 8th graade this year) everyone gives out tips and i love
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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by tarzaflute »

We don't have "chairs" so to
speak, but if you wanna call them that, I'm first chair and main solo flute. I
honestly don't think I'm rude, if anything I help the others that are having
trouble when they ask for it. We have "section leaders" and they have to be in
grade 11. I know this might sound stuck up (even though thats not my intention)
but I think it should be the best player whos section leader and not done by
grade. I'm the top player in our band and I'm in grade 10 (we dont have 12s
though, but last year we had an amazing flute player in our band who I became
friends with and she was another student of my private teacher) anyhoo, I feel
its kinda a let down that its done by grades because I do lots of work to play
well. It feels like I'm section leader though cause our section leader doesnt
turn up on time to give out music, and I usually have to tell people what the
fingerings for notes are. Again, I don't wanna sound rude or stuck up but thats
my basic little story. [8)]

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

A friend of mine, who lives in
texas and plays trumpet, has a band with section leaders. I think they don't do
it by playing level on purpose. They do it by age, and playing /experience/.
Like, who's been in the band for the most years? Who knows the program the
best? John (texan trumpet player) says that his band director gives seniors the
part because they've done it all for four years, because they have
/experience/, even if they aren't the best. Now, if your section leader
doesn't show up on time to hand out music, then she's not a very good
/leader/, now is she? he? o.o?

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by tarzaflute »

Hi. I can see your point
Iheartgemeinhardt, but our section leader doesnt cover any of those things you
mentioned. She hardly turns up, she doesnt really have much playing experience,
especially beyond school, therefore needing assistance. One time she turned up
on time and made the biggest deal saying stuff like, I turned up on time, are
you proud of me, where as I think that should just be a standard thing to turn
up on, especially when you're supposed to be a leader. Anyway once again I get
where you are coming from but I'm still frustrated because she doesnt really
cover any of the things a good section leader should cover. [8)]

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Bored or Frustrated with your Band?

Post by Penny »

I would guess most band directors
give the seniors the benefit of the doubt if ability is close and some
personalities work better together than others and band directors are human,
aren't they? SO feelings will get involved. But I see no good excuse to not put
the best player at first chair. I heard the other day a band director told a
player at another instrument that she was being put at second chair even though
she was clearly the best so she would try harder? What nonsens is this? If she
hadn't tried harder she wouldn't be the best? Sorry to see some have run into
people that just aren't nice people that happen to be good players. I was
wondering more about trying to stay interested in band when asked to work on
easy music everyday while those around you struggle.[8)] [::)]

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