Wow you guys are awesome

For Anything and Everything to do with Flute Playing and Music

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Wow you guys are awesome

Post by musician_Lauren »

how long have you guys been playing?

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Post by embum79 »

16 years

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Post by pandagirl11 »

10 months.

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Post by monkey »

2 1/2 years!!
[color=deeppink]ThE[/color] [color=limegreen]fLuTe[/color][color=deeppink] RoCkS[/color][color=limegreen] mY[/color] [color=deeppink]sOcKs!![/color]

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Post by Claiken »

since september

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Post by eslyssa »

10 years. (Just counted on my fingers. Wow. That's kinda scary.)
Flute: n., a sophisticated pea shooter with a range of up to 500 yards, blown transversely to confuse the enemy.

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Post by ClariFlute »

Almost 2 1/2

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Post by Jim_P »

I started playing flute when I was 11.

I'm almost 40...but there was a LONG period, about ten years, early 20's to early 30's, when I had no interest at all in playing flute or anything else, and basically didn't touch the instrument except to play a few melodies off of movies, things of that nature.

So most 40-year-olds who started when they are 11 can outplay me with one hand behind their back. That said, though, I have a lot of fun, playing in sessions is a blast, keeping up has been great fun, and my ongoing obsession with Irish traditional music keeps me sane (while likely driving everyone around me crazy at the same time).

I mostly do my own work on my flutes and I'm better than average at working with pads and regulation, if I do say so myself. :)

Best wishes,


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Post by Phineas »

15+ Years

I started out playing music when I was 6 playing Cello. Then I started playing Guitar when I was 7. (I am 38 now). I did not start getting serious about playing flute till I got grown. Primarily because I went to public schools, and there was a stigma about boys who played flute. Flute started out as a past time, then about 8 years ago, I got to be a higher level player, and decided to pursue it professionally.

My how time flys!!!!


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Post by FruityFlutie »

I started in 5th grade and am now in 11th, so I'm now working on my 7th year and have loved every minute of it. :)

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Post by Band_Geek »

4 years.

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Post by Starqle »

A bit over six years. Sometimes I was really serious about. Othertimes, things like clinical depression made it very difficult to play at all.
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Post by juneroses »

seven years

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Post by stasha »

3 and a half years

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