Self Practice - Which volume is suitable?

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Self Practice - Which volume is suitable?

Post by LeArning »

im in a concert band and flutes always seem invisible...
so i tend to practice in forte or ff....
and i often get tired easily....
especially solo parts....
if im not gonna play out others will cover up my sound....
is this advisable?

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Post by fluttiegurl »

I have a student with the opposit problem. His director tells the section to play softer (there are 30 of them). It has effected his playing in many negative ways. In short, it is best to practice with suiteable dynamics for each piece that you are working on. Remember that you are not only working on playing one piece to be performed and forgotten, you are working on your skill as a flutist every time you play.

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Post by LaDanseuse »

You can play extra loud in class if flutes aren't being heard (a rare problem!), but please don't practice in constant forte or double forte! You need to know how to play in all dynamic levels, so practicing should range from pp to ff, depending on the piece.

And my lord, fluttiegurl, 30 flutes?! I thought the 14 flutes in my senior year of high school was more than enough! But then, I've noticed a steady increase in the number of flute players over the years. It's like they started multiplying! :shock:

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Post by MeLizzard »

30, eh? That happens sometimes, but I guess it's ok if there are adequate numbers of other instruments, too. One year in the early '80s, my high school band boasted 32 flutes (but also 28 trumpets, etc.), and the director sarcastically referred to them as the Power Wedge of Flutes. :D They played Stars & Stipes on the street, with the entire section (skillfully!!) playing the picc solo... Cool 8) With such a large section, a broad range of dynamics was possible and highly effective.

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Post by Jim_P »

I agree you should practice at all volume levels available to you, applied musically and appropriately to the piece you are playing.

Just don't make the classic mistake: low volume does not equal low intensity. You can play at a pianissimo level but still have a robust tone. Keep that airstream moving!


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Post by Mfreak2007 »

Play it at what the music says until the directior tells you diffrently:) that is the best way to do it..

My school only has nine flutes......... It is very sad....

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Post by NekoNoKage »

What I tend to do is play the song in the proper dynamics, then if I'm having trouble with a particular dynamic section I work on that a little louder or softer depending on the marking. We have 48 or so flutes, and most of them are pretty airy sounding. So, I tend to play on the louder side because our other instruments drown us out..Amazingly..
I play flute and tenor sax. Fear. ^_^

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Post by Claiken »

30 flutes?? wow!!! anyway,

i noticed that with my band, im the loudest flute. well, maybe not the loudest, but i have the most directed sound i guess u could say. the others' are more airy. i dont mean to brag either! i just noticed that since ive been taking lessons, my improvement. i find it difficult to play piano the right way (soft, but still with that full, non-airy sound)

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Post by nii_neko »

In the band at our school, we have 8 flutes thats nothing compared 30! :lol: We have a small band 7 alto saxes, 5 clarinets, 6 trumpets, 1 tenor sax,1 baritone, 3 trombones, and 4 drumers, thats 35 :lol:

what a tiny band :(

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Post by rikk22 »

more talk of the school bands make me really wana go america...not that it will help seeing as im 17 and finishing hi school.. :oops:

but really im so amazed at huge bands..especially as they gather together practicing..its a huge musical community..oh wait hang is a huge musical
What can one do when one looses what matters most?

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