messing up when playing for band director

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messing up when playing for band director

Post by fluteplayer09 »

Sorry for all the questions :?

I can practice a tricky part in my band music at home and play it right however when I have to play it for my band director I will mess up something i have practiced a million times. Is there any way to be less nervous. I have been playing for him for 2 years but I still get nervous trying to play for him. Any suggestions?


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Post by fluteguy18 »

really, it is just a matter of mind over matter, and getting used to the situation. The more you perform, the less nervous you will get [probably]. For example: when I was in middle school, I got very nervous about playing in front of people. However, my parents loved having me play for guests. So, it got to the point, where by my sophomore year in high school, I would still get slightly anxious, but it wouldnt bother me. I would use the adrenaline to my advantage.

So, really, the more you play for people, theoretically, the less nervous you will be.

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Post by ookwormbay7 »

The way I like to think of it is this: everybody else has to play for him too...that logical part of it helps. It's like when you have to get up and do a speech for a class...the whole rest of the class is just as nervous as you, could mess up just as're all in it together, so there's not even a point--it's not like anybody will laugh, because the exact same thing will happen to them. I remember discussing this during a large part of one of our concerts back in 8th grade with our oboe player--she only did it because her mom told her it was hard and she wanted to say "ha, see, I can do it!"

Ok, so the logic thing doesn't always help, but teachers want to be teachers for a reason--try talking to him by yourself, and explain that you need help from nerves, because playing by yourself knowing that everybody's watching is difficult--I'm sure that he'll be glad to help. If you can make yourself feel more comfortable with the teacher in that way, I'm sure that it'll be easier.

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