
Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Post by yingkie »

Hulo people, I''m relatively new to the flute(10 months) and I
want to know how to tune the flute. I have a piano at home, but I''m just
don''t know how to tune my flute! Any help will be appreciated. thanks![;)]

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Post by cujo »

You dont really need to tune your flute. You keep your flute in
tune by how you play using your embroucher. Play a note on your piano and try to
match it with your flute. If your pianos in tune and you match the note youll
know your in tune for that note. I find it much easier to buy a Autoranging
multi-tuner there are many brands. Using a tuner every time you play a note it
will tell you what note you are playing and how sharp or flat it is. You
probably wont notice the difference between 440 and 442 Hertz but a tuner
will(as long as the tuner is more than basic and can manually adjust the Hz), so
playing in a large group may be easier. And of course youll know at least you
are perfectly in tune.

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Post by damjan »

You adjust the pitch on the flute by pulling the headjoint
slightly in our out of the body of the flute. If it is all the way in, the pitch
of the flute is the highest, if you take the headjoint out a bit, you will lower
the pitch. To tune to a piano, or a tuner - first play an "A" on your flute and
make sure you get a good sound - do not adjust your sound to get a lower or
higher pitch!!! After you do that, compare it to the "A" on piano or on a tuner
and see where you stand. If the note you are playing is sharp compared to the
piano or the tuner, pull the headjoint out until you match the pitch. If the
note you are playing is flat, puch the headjoint in until you match the pitch.
All this time you have to retain a good quality tone. This will give you initial
tuning. However, intonation is a whole different thing on the flute and it is
LONG process. A few things about intonation: -flute is never completely in tune
-when the middle register is in tune, the lower register is flat and the upper
is sharp -you always tune to a "good note" in the second register - "A" So,
after you properly tune the "A" note, you will still have to manipulate the
other notes with your embochure to match the exact pitch. this is why it is good
to practice your intonation with a tuner so you will now exactly where you
stand. But, most importantly, listen to yourself so that you will develop a
sense of intonation independent from the tuner. I hope this helps.
Damjan, --- Fluteland.com Teacher

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Post by krzymunkey »

stick the end of the cleaning rod that doesn't have a hole on
into the headjoint and adjust the cork so that the line on the cleaning rod is
in the middle of the embouchre hole (how do you spell it??) . push it up, or
screw the cap on tighter
as if you'll live forever... Live as if you'll die tomorrow...

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