Are any of you in Marching Band?

For Anything and Everything to do with Flute Playing and Music

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

I wanted to know if any of you are in marching
band? Do you like it? What songs are you playing this season? We''re playing
"Q: How many classical flutists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only
one, but she'll pay $5,000 for a gold-plated ladder." --Kathy Russell

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by FluterJenn »

Hey, I'm in marching band. Our
marching show is called Ledgend of the Phoenix and our three songs are: Flight
of the Phoenix, Tears of the Phoenix and Journey to the City of the Sun.

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

thats cool, i just came home from
marching band, we didnt even play today, it got kind of boring
"Q: How many classical flutists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only
one, but she'll pay $5,000 for a gold-plated ladder." --Kathy Russell

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by CuteFlute »

Hi, i'm also in a marching band. i
think it's great. very different from concert playing. actually more work, but
loads of fun! anyway, our show this year is Minimally Speaking Parts 1-3 (New
Rythmix, Layers, Echoes) My first game is tomorrow (Saturday Aug. 30) i'm so
freaked that i'm gonna skrew up, but hopefully not! Wish me luck!![:bigsmile:]
"Cuz flutists RULE!!"

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by FluterJenn »

hey, u have your first game already?
wow, our first game is september 5, a week from today. tonite my county had a
Jamborie where all the football teams came and played. the marching bands
didn't go, but me and a couple friends went. i cant wait till this friday, for
awhile ive been really nervous because it'll be my first time marching at a
game but after last night and tonight im really excited. i think our band is
going to do good this year and have alot of fun. i hope everyone else's season
is starting as good as mine. -Jenn p.s. tell me how your first game goes! good

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by Penny »

FluteJenn good to hear things are
going so well on the north side of the river. Do any of you find playing in the
marching band a negative for the quality of your play for concert band?

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by flutietootie4lyfe »

I think it is so positive because im
in 8th grade and its a high school marching band (only really good players are
asked to be in it in 8th grade only 0-2 flutes) so just being around the
advanced players improves my sound and their so helpful in playin all types of
"Q: How many classical flutists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only
one, but she'll pay $5,000 for a gold-plated ladder." --Kathy Russell

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by Penny »

Enharmonics In the tempered scale, a
whole step between two notes are are divided into two equal halves. This mean
that if you go up a half step from the note below, or down a half step from the
note above, you get the same note. The sign # (sharp) means one half step up,
and the b (flat) means one half step below. This means that D#=Eb. The tempered
scale was developed for making it possible to modulate to remote keys, without
getting more and more out of tune. In a natural scale, the half steps are not
equal. Traditional folk singers, violin players and many others use the natural
scale. In the natural scale a "half step" is actually slightly smaller than one
half of a whole step. The D# will then not be exactly the same as Eb. In my
ears, the natural scale sounds better. But complex harmonic structures are not
possible with that scale. And a keyboard tuned to a natural scale will sound
more and more out of tune if one modulate to remote keys, unless one re-tune the
keyboard each time one change key. Listen to Johann Sebastian Bach's Das
Wohltemperierte Klaver (The Well Tempered xxxx) for an example of music that
modulates in a way which would not have been possible - at least with a good
sounding result - with the natural scale. But for practical purposes, at least
when it comes to musical notation, D#=Eb. They are enharmonic: Sound equal, but
are spelled different. When written in TAB, they will be written the same way.
The TAB is a technical notation that tells you where to put your fingers, it is
not a musical notation that tells you which notes to play. When writing scores,
notes etc. in keys with sharps and flats, one have to make a choice. It does not
really make sense to write everything both in D# and Eb. But you should be able
to translate (transpose) from one key to another. If we move around the Circle
of Fifths, you add sharps or detract flats when you go up one fifth (to the
right), and you add flats or detract sharps if you go down one fifth (to the
left). Some calls it the Circle of Fourths, but they are in fact the same, but
more on that in the Circle of Fifths lesson. We can add sharps, and eventually
we will cover all half-steps in the circle, and we can add flats to do the same.
But we will usually stop before it gets too complicated. We could spell the
notes in the key of Bb as then enharmonic notes in the key of A#. But A# will
have four sharps and three double sharps, while the key of Bb has two flats. The
notation of Bb is quite simple, A# is extremely complicated. In practice, one
would hardly ever write in the keys C#, G#, D# or A#. And since E#=F and B#=C,
the only reason to choose keys like E# or B# must be to make simple music look
complicated. For the same reason, one will usually not write in keys like Cb or
Fb. The key F# / Gb is usually the key where one stops. F# has 6 #s, and Gb has
6 bs, meaning that both keys are equally bad. For guitar players, keys with #s
are usually better than key's with bs. You can always go up one fret, use barré
chords and capo to change to a key on half step above. But going down is
complicated if you start with some open strings. For this reason I have chosen
to use F# over Gb.

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by Penny »

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by CuteFlute »

Well, seeming as so many of you are
interested in my first game of marching and whatnot....I have good news that it
did go very well indeed. at least, i didn't do anything wrong. it was way cool
and once i got into it i didn't even worry about messing up. [:bigsmile:]
Anyway, i'm a sophomore, but last year, i was at a different high school that
didn't have a marching band. I figured that i should at least try it and see if
i liked it. it was hard work, and we are only a third of the way done with the
whole show, but i think once it's done, it'll probably be the best thing i've
done in a group in my life!![:bigsmile:] as far as negative aspects of tone and
quality goes.... sure there is phasing and stuff, but if everyone gives it their
all, it sounds just as good.
"Cuz flutists RULE!!"

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by Priscilla »

I do!This is my first year.I have just
marched at my first game.We are doing The Phantom of The Opera.

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by Amber »

I am in marching band....I am the
section leader to 7 piccs and 12 flutes. My band is pretty big, 155+ members.
Its ok, I am more of the concert band/orchestra type, but I like our music this
year. We are doing Chicago (the group) Free, chicago medley (does anybody know
what time it is and make me smile) and 25 or 6 to 4 with an awesome percussion
feature! flutey forever![:bigsmile:]
Forever! <3 Amber

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by jaccavrie »

i'm in football marching band. we
have two marching bands; football band and competition band. for the football
band show, we are playing a "spy" theme- james bond theme song, peter gunn,
mission impossible, soul bossa nova, and secret agent man. our competition band
is playing an aaron copeland show... i'm not quite sure what all the songs are
because i'm not in competition band, only football band. football band shows
are easier with about 12 or so moves in the entire show, and competition band
moves much more.

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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by caida722 »

I'm new to this place...:) just
decided I might as well post. Yeah, I just joined marching band this year...I'm
a freshman (yay for being a rookie, lol). It's really interesting, and so far I
like it, when our director is in a good mood...I've already done 2 competitions
and one football game, and we have the Homecoming parade/game this Saturday, as
well as another competition, so that'll be fun. So far, we're ninth place at
the ACC's (we're group 2. Really small band), for those of you who know what
that is...we're playing In Caelum Fero, Intrada and Pavane, Dos A Do, and
Adiemus. Not the typical kind of marching music, I thought, but it works well.
We're getting high scores.
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Are any of you in Marching Band?

Post by »

Hi.. I'm from a marching band... all
males however... [::)] we played a lot of tunes especially for our military
parades.. My instrument wasn't a flute however.... [:((] I had the baton and

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