Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuc

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck

Post by Princess »

Hi everyone,
what got you into flute playing and what keeps you on the flute? I will tell you
my reason, i think the flute is an elegant instrument, so i tried it out, i have
only had mine for 4 days but i like it.[:p] [8)] [:)] [;)] [::)] [:bigsmile:]
[:halo:] [:sun:] [:kiss:] [:praise:]

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by fluteluversmom »

I started playing flute waaaaaay back in 4th grade and I played through 12th
grade. I just started playing again a couple of months ago. I don't remember
why I chose it back then but I picked it up again after listening to my daughter
play and remembering how much I enjoyed it. My daughter picked it 2 years ago
partly I think because she knew I had played it and she just liked the sound
better than the clarinet that she was considering. Kim
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by Princess »

I was
going to play the claranet, but my dad suggested the flute, so i got one and i
love the peaceful sound it makes. I believe you made the better choice to pick
it up again Thanx for writing[:halo:]

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

Really? You're only 4 days into the flute? Awesome! You've made one of
the best decisions of your life. seriously. I started playing the flute in
school band the very first year it was offered, fourth grade. Why I started
playing it... hmm. I remember since I was in first grade, looking up at the
stage and watching the 'big kids' play instruments. My brother played the
clarinet through elementary and middle school, but then didn't play it in
highschool. I have no idea why. Maybe the clarinet isn't as good as the
flute... but then, Bryan (the first chair clarinet I sit next to) loves his
clarinet. Who knows. So, my brother starting band in the first place was what
got me interested in the whole idea of playing an instrument. Probably the
reason why I chose the flute was that everyone playing it were female... and as
a little girl myself, I must have felt a tug of gender loyalty. I really don't
remember what made me choose the flute. All I know is that I am extremely glad
that I made that choice. /Extremely/. I've played it (the flute) for four
complete years, and as I have just started my Eighth grade school year, this
will be my fifth. (Only one more year until highschool AND Marching Band!!!
Whoooo!) Why I've decided to continue playing the flute... I don't know. My
parents were really supportive in elementary school. I remember wanting to quit
from the transition of elementary to junior high. I silently thank my mom every
day for saying 'do it for just one year in middle school, and if you still want
to quit after that, we'll talk about it'. I can definitely say now, a year
later, I honestly wonder what I was thinking when I considered quitting the
flute. With middle school comes a lot of difficulties. Difficulties with
friends, with fitting in, with classes and homework... lots of difficulties. My
favorite way of venting, the thing I know I can always do to make myself happy
is practice my flute. I pick it up, and trace my fingers along the silver
keys... and it's as if nothing matters. It's just me. And my music. And my
flute. I also like my piccolo. Once you've mastered simple rhythm and at least
the Bb concert scale, you might want to consider trying out the piccolo. It's
an entire octive higher... (and good for playing a nice high f when your brother
is being mean... but err... I wouldn't umm... know that from experience. noooo.
not me. [:halo:]) and fun for military pieces. It's also got a slightly
different tone... and it's CUTE! Really! It's like, 8 inches long! it's a
baby flute! It's so cute! I must talk my mom into letting me try out an alto
flute one of these days. A curved neck. How fun! Sorry for the random insanity.

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by Amber »

Ah I
remember like it was yesterday. My baby sitter played and she was wonderful to
listen to and I fell in love with it so when I reached fifth grade it was the
flute no questions asked. I knew it was meant to be haha. I loved the way her
fingers moved on the keys and the way her mouth looked when she played. It was
just so pretty. My first flute was her old one and ever since then I have loved
it. It is my absolute favorite thing to do. It is my passion and my life would
be empty without it. Its like an old friend. My fingers get this feeling that
they want to play so I drop what I am doing and go practice haha. Not good for
studying sometimes.I am going to college next fall and the thought of stopping
is just awful, so I am basing my decision on where I go on the music programs at
the college.
Forever! <3 Amber

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by lotr_rox »

Princess, Well I have never palyed another instrument, and i guess I just
thought it was really cool, so my mom checked it out and it turns out that one
of her old friends had played when she was in high school and she gave me her
old armstrong, it was just a really great situation (or blessing!), so then we
found out that there is a girl in our church that has played for a long time and
she has been giving me private lessons ever since! I have been playing for about
6mos. now and i really LOVE it!! -Hope you stick 2 it! ;)

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by wom »

Princess - I played flute at high school then stopped when I went off to
college. I walked into a music shop today and tried out a flute - first time in
nearly 25 years! And I bought it there and then. You are right that the flute is
a very elegant instrument and the sound is so beautiful to hear. I have
forgotten much but am still able to belt out a tune, LOL. I also bought some
books to remind me of all I have forgotten. I'll let you know how it all goes.
:: WOM

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by taytay »

tell you the honest truth i didnt want to be in band i hated the idea of being
forced to blow air in a instrument but then i was told band or general music and
gm didnt sound to ammussing to me in 6th grade so i joined band i started off
4wks behind all the other girls but ended up in first chair a week later and
after that i loved it now music is my escape when most kids my age are doing
drugs to escape i play my flute. music is the best thing and im glad i chose
it!!!![:praise:] [:halo:] [:)]

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Why di you start playing the flute and why have you stuck to

Post by dancingflutist3000 »

[quote] ---------------- On 9/8/2003 4:30:35 PM Hi everyone, what got you
into flute playing and what keeps you on the flute? I will tell you my reason, i
think the flute is an elegant instrument, so i tried it out, i have only had
mine for 4 days but i like it.[:p] [8)] [:)] [;)] [::)] [:bigsmile:] [:halo:]
[:sun:] [:kiss:] [:praise:] ---------------- [/quote] This is going to sound bad
but I tried flute as a whim. I had previously played the alto sax for 2 years
but I began to dislike it (as we started getting the melody less and less) the
flute seemed to ALWAYS have the melody so my mom bought me a flute. Up until
this summer (i've been playing for 1 1/2) I had taught my self without the aid
of a teacher. Anyway I stuck with the flute because it has a beautiful sound
[:praise:] and I seem to be good at it [;)] also the easy trasporting of it
helps [:p]
Rules~*~ ~*~dancingflutist~*~

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