Wish me luck!!!!!

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flute friend
Posts: 103
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 2:51 pm

Wish me luck!!!!!

Post by flute friend »

My band starts in 2 days and I''m really nervise
cause this day determines what pieces you play and so on.. I really want to be a
good player but you see the other flute players ( the popular girls) don''t
like me and they think I''m like to good or something so they say all this
stuff to me see because my Band teacher said I was the best flute player in the
band so they think I''m always bragging about it and it makes me frustrated
cause they think its so easy for me to be in that position cause i came in the
middle of the year and I hadn''t played before and they had played 2 years
longer then me and I was better then them ( not to brag) and you want to know
why?/ I put a lot of hard work into playing the flute I practiced every day for
a hour and I practiced everyday trough the summer and they don''t even
practice at all and they wonder why I''m a better player then them.. and its
like if you practice you might be here to. It also frostrates me when they
always play the pieces wrong and I tell them its a E natural not a Eb and they
won''t listen to me they keep plaaying to wrong. Sorry It was so long it felt
good just to get all of that out.. Sorry if it seems like I''m bragging I''m
not trying to I''m just trying to tell you what is happening and proply what
they think. Wish me luck this year in band!!!! Vanessa[::)] [:)]

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Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:55 am

Wish me luck!!!!!

Post by IHeartGemeinhardt »

That's truly sad that the others must deal with
their jealousy by making you feel ashamed of being talented. Don't give in to
their taunting, don't be ashamed of your gift. Instead, realize that they're
only jealous because you're so much better than they are. in the mean time, set
goals for yourself and work on them! Be proud of yourself, because you have a
reason to be proud! Good luck on the tryouts! You'll 'kick butt', I know it!
I'll be rooting for you! [:)]

Posts: 249
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:23 pm

Wish me luck!!!!!

Post by Penny »

It doesn't sound like you need luck, so I wish for
you to play your best for I am sure that will be good enough. Don't stress over
what others think, just play that flute and make those pretty sounds come

flute friend
Posts: 103
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 2:51 pm

Wish me luck!!!!!

Post by flute friend »

Thank you!!! Thats nice for you to say that anyways I
always try to ignore what they say but sometimes is just makes me mad you know
what I mean?? Thank-you for all your help you guys are always there for me your
the greatist!!! [:)]

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