Just passing on a idea.....

For Anything and Everything to do with Flute Playing and Music

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Just passing on a idea.....

Post by fluteluversmom »

We have been looking for a better thing for
my daughter to store and carry all of her sheet music and books. Yesterday we
found an expandable file that works great. It has 9 slots to hold books and
music. It is plastic so it doesn't rip. It even has a pocket to carry a CD's
and pencils. This sure beats those paper folders that just don't hold up going
in and out of a backpack everyday and having to gather her music for lessons
every week. Kim
days you catch the bus and other days it runs over you.

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Just passing on a idea.....

Post by Princess »

My best friend, Michaela, plays clarinet
and has a case that holds the instrument, music, and books, and a little
compartment for pencils or anything. They have the same thng for the flutes!

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Just passing on a idea.....

Post by taytay »

thanx for the info

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Just passing on a idea.....

Post by dancingflutist3000 »

As for the plastic compartment thing...many
of my friends have them and use them (not for band) and they work great! I
personally don't use one because, I know this sounds stupid but I prefer the
old fashion way of carrying folders and such. For my school band stuff (books,
music, worksheets) I use a regular 1" binder.
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