Tone Quality

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Tone Quality

Post by Flutey007Tooty »

I have braces and it''s affecting my tone quality. I play
all the notes, but some that used to be crystal clear are now airy and weak.
I''ve tried everything I can think of. I was first chair last year before I
got braces... if I don''t fix the quality I could lose 1st chair. Please help
me!!![:blackeye:] [:((]
it WELL, not loud and fast

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Tone Quality

Post by lotr_rox »

wow, i got top braces, and it barely effected my playing,
how long have you had braces? top and bottom? well i guess maybe the first week
or so, but you'll get used to them!! :) well good luck!! -Jessica i cant think
of anything to write here, you all write cool stuff! oh well, i'll think of

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Tone Quality

Post by krichards »

It has been years and years since I had my braces (top and
bottom), but I remember being very concerned before getting them that it would
interfere with my tone. To my surprise, it didn't. It did take me a couple of
weeks of practice to get used to positioning my lips a little differently
though. With braces on the bottom too, your flute may be resting in a slightly
different spot than it used to. If you're airy, trying rolling in a bit, even
if it doesn't "feel right"...maybe what feels right with the braces, isn't
right any more. Or, tuck you chin back ever so slightly to compensate for he
fact that your flute is sticking out that much further because of the braces???
Just keep experimenting and in no time I'm sure you'll have that crystal clear
tone back. I played for a year and a half with mine and I didn't find they held
me back at all. Let us know how you make out!

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Tone Quality

Post by Flutey007Tooty »

Thanks for the help people. I lost 1st chair...I'm second
now... I wish i would have never gotten braces because I can play better but my
braces prevent me from sounding my best. I'll get them off in a year and
half...i've had them for half a year now. Thanks again![:bigsmile:]
it WELL, not loud and fast

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Tone Quality

Post by sakuramimato »

You can take the 2nd chair you've been given as a whole
new experience. Obstacles are what help you become a better, stronger person,
and think of your placement as 2nd chair as something you can learn from and
build with. I've had braces for quite a while now, and the only thing that's
been bothering me is my embouchure. I think I've gotten so used to the
embouchure that I had before I got braces that my lower lip is still lopped off
to the site when I play. It doesn't really affect my playing very much because
my tone and quality is pretty good, but at times, I get the feeling that I'm
too airy when I play. I've tried adjusting my lower jaw so that it's aligned
with my upper jaw, but it ruins my air flow. Is there something I can do?

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