Flutes and eBay

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Flutes and eBay

Post by meghanny4 »

If you go to eBay to search for a flute, you can never
decide which one to buy and who to trust. I recently bought a flute from eBay
and it was brand new for only 100.00. It is a nice flute and a good price
because i''ve been renting one for three years and have already paid more than
500.00 for it. The one i''m renting is a Yamaha and it''s a piece of crap.
If you come up on any good offers on eBay, reply to me telling me what you
found. Meghan
"There is no too young
or too old person who's age should prevent them from playing the flute."
"Everyone needs a hobby. Some people pick flutes over sewing or cooking. Some
people do all three."

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Flutes and eBay

Post by Gigihr »

You know I'm really glad I'm not alone here. I have
purchased two lovely "off-brand" flutes on E-bay each for under $200 which is
really nothing as flutes go, and I suppose I could have been taking a major risk
on getting a piece of crap both times. However I have yet to be disappointed in
either purchase. Do I expect either one to last me ten years? No. But I would
consider both of these to be at least intermediate quality - wayyy better than
the initial student flute I orginally started on but not nearly as good as my 50
year old silver Haynes that needs $1200 worth of work. They definitely give the
intermediate Armstrong I once had an honest run for its money and I know my
folks paid a lot more than $200 for that 20 years ago! I can't complain.
Here's what I bought on Ebay this past year: for about $180, a Venus plateau
c-foot model, gold tone (probably made of some type of brass alloy - definitely
my "practice flute") but it has a lovely tone and is a lot of fun to play and to
experiment with more contemporary and 12-tone stuff on; and then I purchased a
Delphi silver plated open hole with low B, offset G, split E mechanism and high
C facilitator - for about the same price. It plays perfectly in tune for the
first and second octaves and gets slightly sharp in the higher registers which
requires more control on my part but still a very acceptable sound for what I
paid. I think both were made in China. I'm absoutley SOLD on that split E
mechanism now! I know I'll never get a Haynes experience on these flutes, but
you know what? I have two passable instruments to get me through for a couple of
years until I can afford to get the one really valuable instrument I have in
stable condition again. To me that's worth just a couple hundred dollars. [;)]

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Flutes and eBay

Post by SaraBeth »

[quote] ---------------- On 6/14/2004 4:20:38 PM If you
go to eBay to search for a flute, you can never decide which one to buy and who
to trust. I recently bought a flute from eBay and it was brand new for only
100.00. It is a nice flute and a good price because i've been renting one for
three years and have already paid more than 500.00 for it. The one i'm renting
is a Yamaha and it's a piece of crap. If you come up on any good offers on
eBay, reply to me telling me what you found. Meghan ---------------- Meghan: I
have helped you find about four flutes on eBay. Two of them suck and you can't
get a sound out of them. Remember? One of them I haven't even heard you play.
You know, the one that was $109? The fourth one you haven't gotten yet. Did you
pay for it before you got your account expeled? I got my Piccolo and Flute off
of eBay. Mine work great. Come to think of it, my old one from the music store
worked great too. Meghan don't get mad at me. You've spent about $500 on
flutes on eBay. about $250 of it went to junk. My instruments are a total of
$500 and they are professional. [;)] don't take it the wrong way Meg.
"I would have to be sick or physically unable, to not play the flute."
"You can
take away my freedom, but you can't take away my music."

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