flutes and braces

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flutes and braces

Post by monkey »

Im getting braces over chirstmas break and I was wondering if anyone has braces here? Does it affect your playing?? because I will start up band everyday when school is back after break and is it very diffidult? my orthodontist said I might have bleading and pain in my mouth for a few months but does anyone have any seggestions??


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Post by Leedthomson »

I have braces. It wasn't very difficult to start back up on flute. It won't take long for your mouth to get better, only around a week. It does take a little while to get your embrosure to where you were able to play before the braces, but if you practice alot it will probably come easy. Don't give up the first couple of days because it won't have the same tone and everything. After that its fairly easy to get back to where you were. (I am getting my braces off very soon. People are saying it's very difficult when you get them off, but other people are saying i might get even better. I guess I will see)

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Post by nicki_flute »

They do not drastically affect your playing, although it takes a week or two to get back to playing normally. I had traintracks, and now have a retainer and find it is easier to play without it in. Also, it easier going from brace to no brace, than when you just have you brace fitted. Good luck!

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Post by powayflute01 »

Actually, my experience was contarary--I found it much easier to play with braces than without. It shouldn't be too big of a transition--it probably will hurt your mouth for a couple weeks but it should get better. Also, try putting wax on your braces when you play. I always found if I didn't use wax, the braces made painful indentations in my lips.
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Post by monkey »

well I have my braces on right now and I am in terriable pain (got them on monday) although the second day I had them on some brakets feel off so I had to go in the second day and have new brakets put on and it was extremaly painful and made my mouth hurt like 20 times worse. I can't even eat anything yet and its been like almost 5 days now and I have 2 play my flute in band in 3 days!! I can't even eat let alone how am I gonna play??
:? :roll: :idea: :!: :cry:

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Flute and Braces

Post by meghanny4 »

I got braces a day before school started( 9/6/04) last year and when i played my flute it was kinda hard to play some notes. After that first week of school I got used to all the notes. When u play with braces you just have to have a different mouth position from the position you had before the braces

I hope that helps you !!!!!!!!!!
Any more quesions about your fluute and braces just ask me!!!!!

Meghan :P

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Post by flutist001 »

I had braces in the fourth grade, when I started the flute. It was a little difficult at first, just getting used to the feeling, but it really does not affect your playing. Having a broken arm however... :wink: [whoops..]

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Post by pandagirl11 »

Broken arm...-.-" Geez =P I've never actually broken my arm/wrist/hand yet but my hands consistently hurt. The doctor says it's because I'm learning too many instruments (piano, violin, viola, and flute) and that the hand positions are so different for all except violin and viola, which are the same (viola is just stretched out more). Piano, hands are curved over the keyboard, flute, only right hand is curved, left hand is...=P you all know, and violin the right hand is kind of squished up to hold the bow. -.-" If I don't end up with athritis when I'm older, I'll be so totally surprised.

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Post by Leedthomson »

I just got my braces off! It was very exciting. When I first got them off, i played my flute, it was actually alot easier when I got them off.
It wasn't that hard getting braces on for me. I was sore for a few days but i still played.
My hands start to hurt sometimes too. I play different instrument too (Flute, piano, oboe, and guitar) it hurts especially between my poiner finger and middle finger, i live with it so i guess its not bad pain.
hope all goes well for everyone

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Post by monkey »

I had band today and we started this new piece of music called Wondurous love or something like that and my TONE bites monkeys. I sound so freakin' bad. I used to have such good tone now its all down the drain.

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Post by biggzh »

Long tones... just 30 minutes a day and you'll be able to play again.

Changing from flute w/o braces to w braces after 1 day of playing flute-easy

Changing from braces to missing 4 teeth-really insanely hard (gotta love adverbs)

Changing from braces to removable retainer-priceless :)

Hope those teeth feel better

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Post by monkey »

I donno what to do. When we play this song wonderous love like I have mentioned there are highnotes that are slow and its like a flute solo kinda and I can't play the highnotes slow but when I play stonehendge which has tons of highnotes but fast I can play them perfect. Does anyone have any solutions??
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Post by zephyrr »

hey guys, im new here.

been playing flute for 2 1/2 years, had full braces on a year ago. it was quite painful at the beginning, affected a lot. even so now, it still affects my playing, bcos my teeth move so i have to keep readjusting my embouchure every few weeks, esp after my braces have been tightened.

i cant wait to get my braces off, and maybe it wont hinder my progress anymore. oh well. good luck to struggling with fluting braces! =)

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Post by ange_gurl »

I have braces right now and i find it difficult still after having them for two years to play some notes, but you get better the more you practice and learn to adjust your mouth around those annoying things. I used to have a horrible tone when i first got them on but keep practicing you will get better. :)

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Post by Picc_Chick »

I had no braces for about the first week I started playing the flute, so I had the hard time of relearning it w/o them three years later. Braces are beaches if you ask me, only good to get away w/ chewing gum in class, but even so, all they do is teach you to:

1.) Adjust your mouth position to what fits you best


2.) To hate any and ALL metal in your mouth! lol

Well, its been about a year now since I had mine taken off and I had to figure out how I was going to play w/ a fixed retainer in my mouth so all my air was litterly screwed over. Just be glad if you don't have to have one like me. :wink: Then it makes relearning the biggest beach out there.

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