Flute Test Today!

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Flute Test Today!

Post by steelpanther02 »

Today is the day I play for my audition to get into Wind Ansomble (Or however you spell that...) Wish me luck! :D

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Post by steelpanther02 »

I'm a little nervous but I think I'll do okay.

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Post by steelpanther02 »

Has anyone here ever failed an audition? I don't mean to sound rude but I'd like to know the odds of me failing. :wink:

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Post by juneroses »

I never failed. But I did really bad one year. So bad I was like 7th to last chair out of 28 flutes! it was nerves that got me. Take a deep breath. Don't listen to anyone saying "Omg its so hard and scary." or vice-versa. Don't be over confident either. Be prepared to do anything. Even reading the piece backwards if it comes to it :). Also, stay hydrated. Like start drinking water like 30 minutes prior because you'll feel relaxed when the audition comes.

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Post by MeLizzard »

It's "ensemble". Each audition's proclivity for failure is unique. Good luck! :D

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Post by Starqle »

Define failure. If you learned something and/or had fun, did you you REALLY fail, even if you don't get in?

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Post by MeLizzard »

The only instance in which we fail is the one in which we fail to try. :wink:

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Post by FruityFlutie »

You did fine, I'm sure. I went through the same thing with the past two chair tests in band. "I'm going to fail! :( " and "I should have practiced more" and "Dear God, help me!" and all that stuff. I did fine, matter of fact, I got 83 the first time (enough for 1st chair) and a 97 on the second one (which let me keep 1st chair).

I honestly think that as long as you practice, you can play any piece with no problems, no matter how nervous you get.

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Post by FruityFlutie »

Heh, I did horribly in All-District Auditions. But I beat my section leader my 9th grade year (only by a couple points) and then last year I improved my score quite a bit, so even though I didn't make it in, I can't say I failed because I've improved. I have a month before the auditions this year. Gotta get to practicing!

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