4 questions

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4 questions

Post by dior »

i can only hold an octave C note up till 13 seconds, really short breath. any advice to improve on this?

i used to have very tight embouchure and locked throat. so my senior advised me to use "poo" syllabus, and let it form its own embouchure. im still working on the opening throat part. however i always have the tendency to puff unintentionally when i play on high register. could it be due to fast airspeed or am i too relaxed?

my friends have difficulties supporting low notes. their low C couldnt be heard and sound really airy. they tried to open up a bit on the apperture, but went flatter. how should i advise them?

i have difficulties doing staccatos on low D. sixteenth notes at speed 100. they just dont sound when i tongue them short. what should i do?


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Re: 4 questions

Post by flutepicc06 »

dior wrote:i can only hold an octave C note up till 13 seconds, really short breath. any advice to improve on this?
Which C? There are three possibilities here:
1. You're wasting air by using too much, or blowing it into the wrong parts of the embouchure hole. Try experimenting with air speed and direction, and be sure to conserve.
2. You need to expand your lung capacity. Exercise like swimming is great for this, but expanding your lung capacity will be a long-term project.
3. You just need to become accustomed to playing for relatively long amounts of time without breathing. If you're pretty new to the instrument, you can't expect to be able to go 30+ seconds on a breath.
i used to have very tight embouchure and locked throat. so my senior advised me to use "poo" syllabus, and let it form its own embouchure. im still working on the opening throat part. however i always have the tendency to puff unintentionally when i play on high register. could it be due to fast airspeed or am i too relaxed?
Unfortunately, we can't tell what the problem might be without observing you firsthand. If you don't have one already, go find a good (live) teacher.
my friends have difficulties supporting low notes. their low C couldnt be heard and sound really airy. they tried to open up a bit on the apperture, but went flatter. how should i advise them?
Advise them to get teachers as well. Also get them to have their flutes checked for leaks by a competent tech. Then suggest that they use a more diffused airstream, and ask them to raise the air to bring pitch up if flatness is still a problem.
i have difficulties doing staccatos on low D. sixteenth notes at speed 100. they just dont sound when i tongue them short. what should i do?

Try slowing it down so that you can get a nice staccato articulation and have the notes speak every time. Then gradually speed it up. If your flute hasn't seen a tech in more than a year, it might be worthwhile to have it looked at. Staccato notes low in the range are often troublesome, so keep experimenting with them until you figure out what you need to do to get them to speak.

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