Simple breathing exerciese

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings

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Simple breathing exerciese

Post by androfire »

Does anyone know any simple breathing exercise I could do to increase the amount of beats I can hold a note?
I'm in my late 2nd year of playing the flute, and I can barely hold a second octave B flat for 2 measures.
I think it's second octave, it's the one above the staff.

----<------------------a flat/ a / a sharp = b flat line
------------------ <------------------ top of staff

Anyone have simple breathing exercises?
2nd year of playing the flute.

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Post by Phineas »

I tell my students to lay flat on your back, set a book on your abdomen(stomach). Breath in(inhale) as rapidly and as much air as you can, and hold it. Then pucker your lips, and slowly breath out(You can also do this while blowong into a headjoint). make usre you breath out until you run out of air. You will get dizzy the first few times, but will eventually get use to it. This excercise works wonders. Practice this a few minutes everyday for a couple of weeks. This excercise does 2 things

1. Helps you to learn how to breathe properly. Often when most people take a deep breath, they use their whole body. Often you will see people arch back, and move thier shoulders. This is not the proper way to breathe. The only thing that should move when you breathe is your abdomen, and only because your lungs are filling up with air.

2. Increase you lung capacity, and control.

Unfortunately, I do not think this your problem. I think your main issue is over blowing the note. Young players have a tendency to tighten up and over blow when they see a high note. If your instrument is in good working order(no leaks or bent keys), you should not need a lot of effort to play any note on a flute. Control and focus of airstream will take you farther than more wind. Other than changing you embrochure, it should take the same amount of air to play Bb2 as it takes to play Bb1

For additional information, check out Section in the Flute FAQ

Do a search on "breathing" also, this subject has been hashed out many times before.

I am sure other people have their opinions, just stick around.


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