How to improve / practise when not with flute

Basics of Flute Playing, Tone Production and Fingerings, Using Metronomes, Scales, Tone, Studies, etc.

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How to improve / practise when not with flute

Post by vitour »

Hi, I would like to know your tips on how you can improve your playing, technique... etc. when actually not with flute. I mean, I would like to play my flute as much as possible but there are times, when you have to do some other things. But I want to work on my flute during these times as well.

As far I practise this way:

Chinese health balls - I use them when travelling or on my way to somewhere. I got this tip from my friend who plays saxophone and I must say that it really helps my fingers get stronger and improves coordination. And I do not mention other positive sideeffects :). Look up in the internet for yourself.

Lips practising with pencil - my flute teacher gave me this tip - have a pencil and use only your lips, no teeth, to move pencil up and down.

I use these whenever I can, despite the funny look I may sometimes produce :).

Mind practises - sometimes I think about scales, tunes... etc and project their fingerings on to the flute.

I would like to know, if there are some other tips out there :).
Last edited by vitour on Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by omegasquarez »

Well... tho i've only played for 7 months. I think that the best thing i do when im in school and im thinking of my flute is that i try to use my ruler as my flute and i try to just move my fingers around on it while my teacher isnt looking. :wink: but the health balls are very good. I use them myself. And you could try to do things like sucking your tongue when you really have nothing to do. Try to pull your tongue from the sucktion and its all ready for flutter tongueing (at least it is for me) its a method which i dunno whether it ACTUALLY helps with tongue control but i just do it for fun. Good luck!
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Re: How to improve / practise when not with flute

Post by auletes83 »

Hi, Vitour. No matter where you are, you can practice good breathing techinique, which is one of the most important aspects of proper flute playing. Yoga instructors and teachers of the Alexander Technique call it belly breathing. It's breathing from your gut and breathing without allowing tension to build up in your shoulders/chest/arms. Whether in class, at work, or driving, just inhale and exhale at various speeds (starting slowly), allowing your belly to expand to full capacity. Most importantly, ALWAYS make sure that the muscles in your shoulders, arms, and chest are relaxed.

Also, listen to as much flute music as you can. The great players (Galway, Rampal, etc...), have recorded a good part of the standard repertiore. Listen to their tone quality, figure out WHY it's good tone quality, and try to hear it in your mind's ear when you're not actually listening to it.

May I recommend a few recordings?

1) Rampal: Masterpieces of the 20th Century

2) Sharon Bezaly: Solo Flute A B

3) James Galway: Mozart Flute Concerti

4) Mathieu DuFour: Hindemith, Prokofiev, and Martinu Sonatas for flute and piano.

5) Bonita Boyd: Paganini Caprices
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Post by cleversod »

I actually bought a cheap flute to practice on as a "throw away". My main flute is a solid silver Muramatsu which I love. But I dont use it for practice away from home. Instead I brought a cheap flute of Ebay to practice on (offset G , open hole and b foot so similar to my main flute except in quality).

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Post by fluttiegurl »

Great idea! I did something similar for outdoor concerts. There is no way I would play my handmade flute outside under any circumstances! I also travel a great deal, and I won't leave without my flute in hand. It works well for trips that do not involve concerts.

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